BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Reaktor4799, author = {Februadi Bastian and Ani Suryani and Titi Sunarti}, title = {PENINGKATAN KECERAHAN PADA PROSES SINTESIS SURFAKTAN NONIONIK ALKIL POLIGLIKOSIDA (APG) BERBASIS TAPIOKA DAN DODEKANOL}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, year = {2012}, keywords = {alkil poliglikosida, pemucatan, surfaktan nonionik, pemurnian}, abstract = { Alkyl polyglycosides (APG) is a nonionic surfactant that has been getting some green labels such as Ecocert, EU Eco-flower and Green Seal as an environmentally friendly surfactant. Sugar is the main raw material which is supplied the hydrophilic group, and fatty alcohol as hydrophobic group. Some undesirable compounds formed during the APG production and caused low quality. The aim of this research to increase the quality and performance of APG, by controlling its process. Addition 0-10% of activated carbon and 0-0.3% of NaBH4 in APG pre-purification process; 2% (w/w) of H2O2, 35% and 500 ppm of MgO in the bleaching process were examined to process high quality and high performance of APG. The best APG was obtained from purification step by addition 0% of activated carbon and 0.2% of NaBH4, with the characteristics of clarity of 59.02(%T); the ability to reduce surface and interfacial tensions at 1% concentration were 61.94% and 95.6% respectively; 81.71% of stability of emulsion, 62.5% of foam height and stable up to 315 minutes. Alkil Poliglikosida (APG) merupakan surfaktan nonionic yang telah mendapatkan beberapa green label seperti Ecocert, EU Eco-flower Green Seal dan sebagainya sebagai surfaktan yang ramah lingkungan. Bahan dasar APG yaitu gula untuk membentuk gugus hidrofiliknya dan fatty alcohol untuk membentuk gugus hidrofobiknya. Permasalahan dalam produksi APG adalah timbulnya warna gelap yang tidak dikehendaki yang menyebabkan penurunan mutu APG. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan mutu dan kinerja dari APG. Untuk meningkatkan kecerahan APG, maka sebelum dilakukan proses destilasi dilakukan penambahan arang aktif 0-10% serta NaBH4 0-0,3%. Pada proses pemucatan ditambahkan 2% (b/b) H2O2 35% dan MgO 500 ppm. Hasil terbaik yaitu penambahan arang aktif 0% dan NaBH4 0,2% dengan karakteristik kecerahan 59,02(%T); kemampuan menurunkan tegangan permukaan dan antar muka pada konsentrasi 1% sebesar 61,94% dan 95,6%; kestabilan emulsi 81,71%, tinggi busa 62,5% dan umur busa 315 menit. }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {143--150} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.14.2.143-150}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Alkylpolyglycosides (APG) is a nonionic surfactant that has been getting some green labels such asEcocert, EU Eco-flower and Green Seal as an environmentally friendly surfactant. Sugar is the mainraw material which is supplied the hydrophilic group, and fatty alcohol as hydrophobic group. Someundesirable compounds formed during the APG production and caused low quality. The aim of thisresearch to increase the quality and performance of APG, by controlling its process. Addition 0-10%of activated carbon and 0-0.3% of NaBH4 in APG pre-purification process; 2% (w/w) of H2O2, 35%and 500 ppm of MgO in the bleaching process were examined to process high quality and highperformance of APG. The best APG was obtained from purification step by addition 0% of activatedcarbon and 0.2% of NaBH4, with the characteristics of clarity of 59.02(%T); the ability to reducesurface and interfacial tensions at 1% concentration were 61.94% and 95.6% respectively; 81.71%of stability of emulsion, 62.5% of foam height and stable up to 315 minutes.
Alkil Poliglikosida (APG) merupakan surfaktan nonionic yang telah mendapatkan beberapa greenlabel seperti Ecocert, EU Eco-flower Green Seal dan sebagainya sebagai surfaktan yang ramahlingkungan. Bahan dasar APG yaitu gula untuk membentuk gugus hidrofiliknya dan fatty alcoholuntuk membentuk gugus hidrofobiknya. Permasalahan dalam produksi APG adalah timbulnya warnagelap yang tidak dikehendaki yang menyebabkan penurunan mutu APG. Tujuan dari penelitian iniyaitu untuk meningkatkan mutu dan kinerja dari APG. Untuk meningkatkan kecerahan APG, makasebelum dilakukan proses destilasi dilakukan penambahan arang aktif 0-10% serta NaBH4 0-0,3%.Pada proses pemucatan ditambahkan 2% (b/b) H2O2 35% dan MgO 500 ppm. Hasil terbaik yaitupenambahan arang aktif 0% dan NaBH4 0,2% dengan karakteristik kecerahan 59,02(%T);kemampuan menurunkan tegangan permukaan dan antar muka pada konsentrasi 1% sebesar 61,94%dan 95,6%; kestabilan emulsi 81,71%, tinggi busa 62,5% dan umur busa 315 menit.
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Synthesis of Some Alkyl Polyglycosides
Last update: 2025-03-01 22:21:13
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University