BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Reaktor5730, author = {Opy Kurniasari and Tri Padmi and Edwan Kardena and Enri Damanhuri}, title = {PERFORMA OKSIDASI METAN PADA REAKTOR KONTINYU DENGAN PENINGKATAN KETEBALAN LAPISAN BIOCOVER LANDFILL}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, year = {2013}, keywords = {biocover; sampah; gas rumah kaca; landfill; metana; oksidasi}, abstract = { PERFORMANCE OF METHANE OXIDATION IN CONTINUOUS REACTOR BY BIOCOVER LANDFILL FILM THICKNESS IMPROVEMENT. Municipal solid waste (MSW) handling in In donesia is currently highly dependent on landfilling at the final disposal facility (TPA), which generally operated in layer-by-layer basis, allowing the anaerobic (absent of oxygen) process. This condition will certainly generate biogas in the form of methane (CH 4 ) and CO 2 . Methane is a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential greater than CO 2 , and can absorb infrared radiation 23 times more efficient than CO 2 in the period of over 100 years. One way that can be done to reduce methane gas from landfills that escape into nature is to oxidize methane by utilizing landfill cover material (biocover) as methane-oxidizing microorganism media. Application of compost as landfill cover material is a low-cost approach to reduce emissions so are suitable for developing countries. The compost used in this study was compost landfill mining, which is degraded naturally in lan d fill. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of biocover to oxidize the methane on a certain layer thickness with a continuous flow conditions. Three c olumn rea c tors were used, which were made of f lexy glass measuring 70 cm in high and 15 cm in diameter. The methane flowed from the bottom of the rea c tor continuously at a flow rate of 5 ml/minute. The columns were filled with biocover compost landfill mining with layer thickness of 5, 25, 35 and 60 cm. The results showed that the thick er layer of biocover, the higher the efficiency of methane oxidation. The oxidation efficiency obtained in each layer thickness of 15, 25, 35 and 60 cm was 56.43%, 63.69%, 74.58% and 80, 03% respectively, with the rate of oxidation of 0.2 9 mol m -2 d -1 and the fraction of oxidation of 9 9 %. The oxidation result was supported by the identification of bacteria isolated in this experiment, namely metanotrophic bacteria that have the ability to oxidize methane through the form of methanol metabolite. ABSTRAK Penanganan sampah kota di Indonesia pada umumnya dilakukan pada tempat pemrosesan akhir sampah ( TPA ), yang sebagian besar dilakukan dengan cara pengurugan (landfilling) yang cenderung bersifat anaerob (tidak ada oksigen). Cara pengurugan ini biasanya dioperasikan lapis perlapis sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya proses anaerob. Pada kondisi ini dipastikan biogas, yaitu gas metana (CH 4 ) dan CO 2 , akan muncul. Metana adalah gas rumah kaca dengan potensi pemanasan global lebih besar dari CO 2 , dan dapat mengabsorpsi radiasi infra merah 23 kali lebih efisien dari CO 2 pada periode lebih dari 100 tahun. Salah satu c ara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi gas metana dari landfill yang lepas ke alam adalah dengan m engoksidasinya dengan memanfaatkan material penutup landfill (biocover) sebagai media mikroorganisma pengoksidasi metana . Aplikasi kompos sebagai material penutup landfill merupakan pendekatan dengan biaya rendah untuk mereduksi emisi gas dari landfill sehingga cocok untuk negara berkembang . Biocover yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kompos landfill mining, yaitu kompos yang terdegradasi secara alami di landfill. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kemampuan biocover kompos landfill mining dalam mengoksidasi metana pada ketebalan lapisan tertentu dengan kondisi aliran kontinyu. Tiga buah r ea k tor kolom yang digunakan terbuat dari flexy glass berukuran tinggi 70 cm dan diameter 15 cm. Gas metana dialirkan dari bawah reaktor secara kontinyu dengan laju alir 5 ml/menit. Kolom diisi dengan biocover kompos landfill mining dengan ketebalan lapisan 5, 25, 35 dan 60 cm. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semakin tebal lapisan biocover, semakin tinggi efisiensi oksidasi metana. Efisiensi oksidasi yang diperoleh pada setiap ketebalan lapisan 15, 25, 35 dan 60 cm adalah masing-masing 56,43%, 63,69%, 74,58% dan 80,03%, dengan laju oksidasi 0,287 mol m -2 d -1 dan fraksi oksidasi 97%. Hasil oksidasi yang diperoleh tersebut diperkuat dengan identifikasi bakteri yang berhasil diisolasi, yaitu bakteri metanotrofik yang memiliki kemampuan dalam mengoksidasi metana melalui metabolit antara berupa metanol. }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {179--186} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.14.3.179-186}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
PERFORMANCE OF METHANE OXIDATION IN CONTINUOUS REACTOR BY BIOCOVER LANDFILL FILM THICKNESS IMPROVEMENT. Municipal solid waste (MSW) handling in Indonesia is currently highly dependent on landfilling at the final disposal facility (TPA), which generally operated in layer-by-layer basis, allowing the anaerobic (absent of oxygen) process. This condition will certainly generate biogas in the form of methane (CH4) and CO2. Methane is a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential greater than CO2, and can absorb infrared radiation 23 times more efficient than CO2 in the period of over 100 years. One way that can be done to reduce methane gas from landfills that escape into nature is to oxidize methane by utilizing landfill cover material (biocover) as methane-oxidizing microorganism media. Application of compost as landfill cover material is a low-cost approach to reduce emissions so are suitable for developing countries. The compost used in this study was compost landfill mining, which is degraded naturally in landfill. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of biocover to oxidize the methane on a certain layer thickness with a continuous flow conditions. Three column reactors were used, which were made of flexy glass measuring 70 cm in high and 15 cm in diameter. The methane flowed from the bottom of the reactor continuously at a flow rate of 5 ml/minute. The columns were filled with biocover compost landfill mining with layer thickness of 5, 25, 35 and 60 cm. The results showed that the thicker layer of biocover, the higher the efficiency of methane oxidation. The oxidation efficiency obtained in each layer thickness of 15, 25, 35 and 60 cm was 56.43%, 63.69%, 74.58% and 80, 03% respectively, with the rate of oxidation of 0.29 mol m-2 d-1 and the fraction of oxidation of 99%. The oxidation result was supported by the identification of bacteria isolated in this experiment, namely metanotrophic bacteria that have the ability to oxidize methane through the form of methanol metabolite.
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Impact of degraded solid waste utilization as a daily cover for landfill on the formation of methane and leachate
Last update: 2025-02-01 22:32:06
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University