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*Maria Ulfah  -  Jurusan Teknik Kimia-FTI Universitas Bung Hatta-Padang, Indonesia
Subagjo Subagjo  -  Program Studi Teknik Kimia-FTI Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Published: 4 Sep 2012.

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EFFECT OF ALUMINA SUPPORT PROPERTIES ON THE NICKEL-MOLIBDENUM BASE HYDROTREATING CATALYST. Effect of surface characteristics of three species of synthesized γ-alumina (alumina-1, alumina-2 and alumina-3) on characteristics NiMo catalysts has been studied. Those aluminas are derived from boehmite Catapal B by varying rasio mol nitric acid to boehmite. A sol-gel method is used to synthesize γ-Al2O3 support. The Nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) of H2, Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) of NH3, and mechanical strength are used to characterize the supports and catalysts. The results showed that the surface area alumina affects the formation of crystalline MoO3 in the NiMo catalyst, while γ-Al2O3-3 support which has the highest surface area (about 195 m2/g) compared to the other two types of alumina (>195 m2/g) does not have a crystalline MoO3. The formation of crystalline MoO3 is not influenced by the acidity alumina. Based on the results of XRD, it is  indicated that the supported alumina-3 NiMo catalyst (having the highest acid strength) shows that there is no presence of crystalline MoO3. Pore size distribution of support did not change significantly after the deposition of Ni and Mo oxides. Mechanical strength of support also affects the strength NiMo catalyst. Support alumina-3 which has the highest mechanical strength gives the mechanical strength of the highest NiMo catalyst.


Pengaruh sifat penyangga γ-alumina hasil pengembangan (alumina-1, alumina-2 dan alumina-3) pada karakter katalis hydrotreating nikel-molibdenum (NiMo) telah dipelajari. Ketiga jenis γ-alumina diturunkan dari boehmite “Catapal B” dengan menvariasikan nisbah mol asam nitrat terhadap boehmite. Pembuatan γ-alumina menggunakan metoda sol-gel. Adsorpsi Nitrogen, X-ray difraksi (XRD), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) H2, Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) NH3, dan kekuatan mekanik digunakan untuk mengkarakterisasi penyangga dan katalis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa luas permukaan alumina mempengaruhi pembentukan kristalin MoO3 dalam katalis NiMo. Pada penyangga alumina-3 yang memiliki luas permukaan yang paling tinggi (sekitar 195 m2/g) di banding dua jenis alumina lainnya (>195 m2/g) tidak memiliki kristalin MoO3. Pembentukan kristalin MoO3 tidak dipengaruhi oleh sifat keasaman alumina. Berdasarkan hasil XRD ditunjukan bahwa pada katalis NiMo berpenyangga alumina-3 (memiliki kekuatan asam yang paling tinggi) tidak terdapat adanya kristalin MoO3. Distribusi ukuran pori peyangga tidak berubah signifikan setelah deposisi oksida Ni dan Mo. Kekuatan mekanik penyangga mempengaruhi pula kekuatan katalis NiMo. Penyangga γ Al2O3-3 yang memiliki kekuatan mekanik yang paling tinggi memberikan kekuatan mekanik katalis NiMo yang tertinggi.

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Keywords: alumina; sifat katalis, sifat penyangga; hydrotreating; katalis nikel-molibdenum

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