BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJFST20533, author = {Syahrial Syahrial and Novita MZ Novita MZ}, title = {INVENTARISASI MANGROVE DAN GASTROPODA DI PULAU TUNDA SERANG BANTEN, INDONESIA SERTA DISTRIBUSI SPASIAL DAN KONEKTIVITASNYA (Mangrove and Gastropods Inventarization, Spacial Distribution and Connectivity in Tunda Island Serang Banten, Indonesia)}, journal = {Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Mangrove; Gastropoda; Pulau Tunda; Indonesia; Distribusi; Konektivitas}, abstract = { Ekosistem mangrove adalah ekosistem yang unik, sangat rentan, tetapi paling produktif diantara ekosistem lainnya. Salah satu manfaat hutan mangrove adalah sebagai tempat hidup berbagai biota pesisir dan laut. Penelitian tentang inventarisasi jenis mangrove dan biota asosiasi gastropoda serta distribusi dan konektivitasnya telah dilakukan di Pulau Tunda Serang Banten pada bulan Januari 2014 yang bertujuan untuk mendata keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Stasiun 1 berada di bagian Timur pulau, sedangkan Stasiun 2 berada di bagian Selatan pulau. Data kondisi vegetasi mangrovenya dikumpulkan dengan cara membuat transek garis dan plot berukuran 10 x 10 m 2 , 5 x 5 m 2 dan 1 x 1 m 2 yang ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove terluar) dan tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke daratan, sedangkan data kondisi biota asosiasi gastropodanya dikumpulkan dalam plot berukuran 1 x 1 m 2 yang dipasang dalam plot transek vegetasi mangrove berukuran 10 x 10 m 2 . Kemudian distribusi mangrove, biota asosiasi gastropoda dan konektivitasnya dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Faktorial Koresponden (AFK). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 5 jenis mangrove dan 20 jenis biota asosiasi gastropoda. Kerapatan mangrove untuk kedua stasiunnya bervariasi, dimana untuk kategori pohon dan semai kerapatan tertingginya pada bagian Selatan, sedangkan kerapatan anakan pada bagian Timur. Sementara untuk biota asosiasi (gastropoda), kepadatan tertinggi untuk kedua stasiunnya adalah L. scabra (6,31 dan 2,24 ind/m 2 ). Distribusi jenis mangrove berdasarkan AFK dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok, sedangkan distribusi gastropodanya menjadi 3 kelompok. Selanjutnya spesies mangrove R. apiculata memiliki hubungan yang kuat terhadap spesies gastropoda L. scabra , kemudian B. gymnorrhiza dan R. stylosa berkaitan erat dengan C. cingulata maupun T. sulcata, sedangkan R. mucronata, L. racemosa maupun S. caseolaris berkaitan erat dengan gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira dan M. puella . Mangrove is an unique and susceptible ecosystem, but the most productive than others ecosystem. One of the mangove forest function is as a living place for many coastal and sea biota such as sea gastropods. The research is included some activity to inventory the mangrove and sea gastropod as association biota with it’s spacial distribution and connectivity. It was conducted in Tunda Island Serang Banten on January, 2014 with the aim to collect biodiversity data in Indonesia. Station one (1) is on the East part of the island, while station two (2) on the South part. The mangrove vegetations condition data were collected by line transect and plot (10 x 10 m2, 5 x 5 m2 and 1 x 1 m2) method. It is pulled from the point reference direction (the outer mangrove stand) perpendicular to the shoreline from the main land and divided into 2 (two) research station located on east and south part of the island. While, the associations biota (sea gastropod) condition data were collected by plot size method (1 x 1 m2) located on mangrove vegetation transect plot (10 x 10 m2). Mangrove and gastropods spacial distribution and it connectivity were analyzed by Correspondent Analysis Factorial (CAF) function in SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. The spacial distribution results shown there were 5 (five) mangrove species and 20 (twenty) sea gastropods. Mangrove density for both station is variated, which for the highest tree and seedling density category stranded on the South part of the island, while for sapling on the East part. While, the highest densities of L. scabra (sea gastropod) as mangrove asscociation biota are located in both station (6.31 and 2.24 ind/m2). According to CAF analysis, the mangrove species are distributed into 2 (two) groups, while, gastropods are distributed into 3 (three) groups for its connectivity measurement. The results showns that mangrove species of R. apiculata has strength relation with gastropods species as gastropoda L. scabra. Therefore, B. gymnorrhiza and R. stylosa has strength relation with C. cingulata and T. sulcata, whereas, R. mucronata, L. racemosa and S. caseolaris has strength relation with gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira and M. puella. }, issn = {2549-0885}, pages = {94--99} doi = {10.14710/ijfst.13.2.94-99}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Ekosistem mangrove adalah ekosistem yang unik, sangat rentan, tetapi paling produktif diantara ekosistem lainnya. Salah satu manfaat hutan mangrove adalah sebagai tempat hidup berbagai biota pesisir dan laut. Penelitian tentang inventarisasi jenis mangrove dan biota asosiasi gastropoda serta distribusi dan konektivitasnya telah dilakukan di Pulau Tunda Serang Banten pada bulan Januari 2014 yang bertujuan untuk mendata keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Stasiun 1 berada di bagian Timur pulau, sedangkan Stasiun 2 berada di bagian Selatan pulau. Data kondisi vegetasi mangrovenya dikumpulkan dengan cara membuat transek garis dan plot berukuran 10 x 10 m2, 5 x 5 m2 dan 1 x 1 m2 yang ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove terluar) dan tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke daratan, sedangkan data kondisi biota asosiasi gastropodanya dikumpulkan dalam plot berukuran 1 x 1 m2 yang dipasang dalam plot transek vegetasi mangrove berukuran 10 x 10 m2. Kemudian distribusi mangrove, biota asosiasi gastropoda dan konektivitasnya dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Faktorial Koresponden (AFK). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 5 jenis mangrove dan 20 jenis biota asosiasi gastropoda. Kerapatan mangrove untuk kedua stasiunnya bervariasi, dimana untuk kategori pohon dan semai kerapatan tertingginya pada bagian Selatan, sedangkan kerapatan anakan pada bagian Timur. Sementara untuk biota asosiasi (gastropoda), kepadatan tertinggi untuk kedua stasiunnya adalah L. scabra (6,31 dan 2,24 ind/m2). Distribusi jenis mangrove berdasarkan AFK dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok, sedangkan distribusi gastropodanya menjadi 3 kelompok. Selanjutnya spesies mangrove R. apiculata memiliki hubungan yang kuat terhadap spesies gastropoda L. scabra, kemudian B. gymnorrhiza dan R. stylosa berkaitan erat dengan C. cingulata maupun T. sulcata, sedangkan R. mucronata, L. racemosa maupun S. caseolaris berkaitan erat dengan gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira dan M. puella.
Mangrove is an unique and susceptible ecosystem, but the most productive than others ecosystem. One of the mangove forest function is as a living place for many coastal and sea biota such as sea gastropods. The research is included some activity to inventory the mangrove and sea gastropod as association biota with it’s spacial distribution and connectivity. It was conducted in Tunda Island Serang Banten on January, 2014 with the aim to collect biodiversity data in Indonesia. Station one (1) is on the East part of the island, while station two (2) on the South part. The mangrove vegetations condition data were collected by line transect and plot (10 x 10 m2, 5 x 5 m2 and 1 x 1 m2) method. It is pulled from the point reference direction (the outer mangrove stand) perpendicular to the shoreline from the main land and divided into 2 (two) research station located on east and south part of the island. While, the associations biota (sea gastropod) condition data were collected by plot size method (1 x 1 m2) located on mangrove vegetation transect plot (10 x 10 m2). Mangrove and gastropods spacial distribution and it connectivity were analyzed by Correspondent Analysis Factorial (CAF) function in SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. The spacial distribution results shown there were 5 (five) mangrove species and 20 (twenty) sea gastropods. Mangrove density for both station is variated, which for the highest tree and seedling density category stranded on the South part of the island, while for sapling on the East part. While, the highest densities of L. scabra (sea gastropod) as mangrove asscociation biota are located in both station (6.31 and 2.24 ind/m2). According to CAF analysis, the mangrove species are distributed into 2 (two) groups, while, gastropods are distributed into 3 (three) groups for its connectivity measurement. The results showns that mangrove species of R. apiculata has strength relation with gastropods species as gastropoda L. scabra. Therefore, B. gymnorrhiza and R. stylosa has strength relation with C. cingulata and T. sulcata, whereas, R. mucronata, L. racemosa and S. caseolaris has strength relation with gastropoda T. palustris, N. planospira and M. puella.
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