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Analysis Of Changes In Mangrove Area In The North Coast Of Central Java Province Indonesia

*Patric Erico Rakandika Nugroho  -  Departement of Aquatic Resources, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Suryanti Suryanti scopus  -  Departement of Aquatic Resources, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo scopus  -  Departement of Aquatic Resources, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Mangrove is one of the coastal ecosystems which has an important role as the main ecosystem to support life activities in coastal areas and plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the biological cycle in the environment. However, on the other hand, mangrove forests are very vulnerable to environmental influences, both from nature and from humans. In relation to mangrove forest management, information is very much needed regarding the wide area cover from time to time. The research objectives were to analyze the condition of mangrove forests, to analyze changes in mangrove area, and to provide input on mangrove ecosystem management. The mangrove forest in Pemalang Regency had a degradation of 26.89 ha, Semarang City had a gradation of 42.97 ha, and in Demak District there was a gradation of 58.55 ha. Mangrove density was in the range of 503-726 ind/ha. Mangrove sediment texture was dominated by sandy loam. Temperature was 29-31°C. Water salinity was 29-30 and sediment salinity was 27-28. Water pH was 8 and sediment pH was 6. The PCA analysis results showed that the supporting variables for mangrove forests consisted of four groups. The first group is mangrove density, temperature and water pH. The second group is soil salinity, clay form, and water salinity. The third group is the dust and sand fraction. The fourth group is soil pH. Based on the results of PCA analysis, mangrove forest density has a positive correlation with water temperature and negatively correlated with water pH.

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Keywords: Mangrove Area; North Coast; Central Java

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