BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJFST37443, author = {Hilda Novianty and Arvita Rosmawati and Jasmadi Jasmadi}, title = {KAJIAN KELAYAKAN, PENGEMBANGAN BUDIDAYA DAN PENGOLAHAN Eucheuma sp. DI PULAU PARI, KEPULAUAN SERIBU- JAKARTA}, journal = {Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, year = {2022}, keywords = {analisis usaha; budidaya; pengolahan; Eucheuma; Pulau Pari}, abstract = { Pemanfaatan Eucheuma sp. yang dapat diaplikasikan pada bidang pangan dan non pangan menjadikan Eucheuma sp. diminati pasar, sehingga budidaya Eucheuma sp. sedang digalakkan. Budidaya Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari telah dimulai sejak tahun 1960an, hanya saja seiring perkembangan zaman pembudidaya banyak yang beralih ke sektor wisata, padahal peluang untuk mengembangkan usaha budidaya dan olahan Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari masih luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan usaha budidaya dan olahan dari Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari, serta mengidentifikasi kendala dan upaya perbaikan pengembangannya. Metode penelitian menggunakan data primer, interview dan studi literatur dalam menghitung kelayakan analisis pendapatan usaha, seperti analisis pendapatan, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Payback Periode (PP), Break Even Point (BEP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Net B/C. Hasil dari analisis usaha budidaya Eucheuma sp. menunjukkan nilai R/C: 1,43; PP: 2,35th, NPV Rp. 20,474,309, IRR 31.84%, Net B/C 1,65 dan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 1,209,555/bulan. Sedangkan untuk usaha pengolahan menunjukkan nilai R/C : 2,18; PP : 0,36 tahun, NPV Rp. 82,676,917, IRR dan Net B/C > discount factor dan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 1,950,000/bulan. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas budidaya dan pengolahan Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari menunjukkan layak dilaksanakan. Selain itu BEP kedua usaha tersebut juga menunjukkan titik impasnya berada di bawah jumlah produksi dan harga jual riil, sehingga usaha tersebut dinilai efisien secara ekonomi. Pada pelaksanaan usaha-usaha ini ditemukan terdapat kendala-kendala teknis maupun non teknis sehingga diperlukan kerjasama yang tepat antara pemerintah, pengusaha dengan instansi yang berkepentingan untuk keberlanjutan usaha. The utilization of Eucheuma sp. which could be applied for either food or non-food purposes, drew a steady market demand, so the production was increased. The cultivation has been started since the 1960s in Pulau Pari and the development opportunities were still higher, however the farmers tended to shift their focus to tourism business. The purpose of this study was to determine the viability and identify the obstacles to cultivation and processing of Eucheuma sp. businesses in Pulau Pari. This study relied on primary data from interviews and secondary data from literature reviews to calculated feasibility factors, such as incomes, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Payback Periode (PP), Break Even Point (BEP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Net B/C. This study showed feasibility assessment for Eucheuma sp. cultivation business were 1.43 for R/C; 235 years for PP; 20,474,309 IDR for NPV; 31.84% for IRR; 1,65 for Net B/C and 1,209,555 IDR/month for incomes, respectively. Whereas, for Eucheuma sp. processing business were 2.18 for R/C; 0.36 years for PP; 82,676,917 IDR for NPV; IRR and Net B/C were more than discount factor and 1,950,000 IDR/month for incomes, respectively. BEP showed were below the real of production quantity and selling price. This showed both cultivating and processing of Eucheuma sp. were economically viable. Some technical and non-technical obstacles emerged amid to those two businesses, therefore, collaboration with government and non-government institutions is one of the promising approaches to achieve the sustainability. }, issn = {2549-0885}, pages = {36--46} doi = {10.14710/ijfst.18.1.36-46}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Pemanfaatan Eucheuma sp. yang dapat diaplikasikan pada bidang pangan dan non pangan menjadikan Eucheuma sp. diminati pasar, sehingga budidaya Eucheuma sp. sedang digalakkan. Budidaya Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari telah dimulai sejak tahun 1960an, hanya saja seiring perkembangan zaman pembudidaya banyak yang beralih ke sektor wisata, padahal peluang untuk mengembangkan usaha budidaya dan olahan Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari masih luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan usaha budidaya dan olahan dari Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari, serta mengidentifikasi kendala dan upaya perbaikan pengembangannya. Metode penelitian menggunakan data primer, interview dan studi literatur dalam menghitung kelayakan analisis pendapatan usaha, seperti analisis pendapatan, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Payback Periode (PP), Break Even Point (BEP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Net B/C. Hasil dari analisis usaha budidaya Eucheuma sp. menunjukkan nilai R/C: 1,43; PP: 2,35th, NPV Rp. 20,474,309, IRR 31.84%, Net B/C 1,65 dan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 1,209,555/bulan. Sedangkan untuk usaha pengolahan menunjukkan nilai R/C : 2,18; PP : 0,36 tahun, NPV Rp. 82,676,917, IRR dan Net B/C > discount factor dan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 1,950,000/bulan. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas budidaya dan pengolahan Eucheuma sp. di Pulau Pari menunjukkan layak dilaksanakan. Selain itu BEP kedua usaha tersebut juga menunjukkan titik impasnya berada di bawah jumlah produksi dan harga jual riil, sehingga usaha tersebut dinilai efisien secara ekonomi. Pada pelaksanaan usaha-usaha ini ditemukan terdapat kendala-kendala teknis maupun non teknis sehingga diperlukan kerjasama yang tepat antara pemerintah, pengusaha dengan instansi yang berkepentingan untuk keberlanjutan usaha.
The utilization of Eucheuma sp. which could be applied for either food or non-food purposes, drew a steady market demand, so the production was increased. The cultivation has been started since the 1960s in Pulau Pari and the development opportunities were still higher, however the farmers tended to shift their focus to tourism business. The purpose of this study was to determine the viability and identify the obstacles to cultivation and processing of Eucheuma sp. businesses in Pulau Pari. This study relied on primary data from interviews and secondary data from literature reviews to calculated feasibility factors, such as incomes, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), Payback Periode (PP), Break Even Point (BEP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Net B/C. This study showed feasibility assessment for Eucheuma sp. cultivation business were 1.43 for R/C; 235 years for PP; 20,474,309 IDR for NPV; 31.84% for IRR; 1,65 for Net B/C and 1,209,555 IDR/month for incomes, respectively. Whereas, for Eucheuma sp. processing business were 2.18 for R/C; 0.36 years for PP; 82,676,917 IDR for NPV; IRR and Net B/C were more than discount factor and 1,950,000 IDR/month for incomes, respectively. BEP showed were below the real of production quantity and selling price. This showed both cultivating and processing of Eucheuma sp. were economically viable. Some technical and non-technical obstacles emerged amid to those two businesses, therefore, collaboration with government and non-government institutions is one of the promising approaches to achieve the sustainability.
Note: This article has supplementary file(s).
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