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ANALISIS BIOEKONOMI PERIKANAN LAUT DI PESISIR KOTA SEMARANG (Bioeconomic Analysis of Marine Fisheries in The Coastal City of Semarang)

*Imam Triarso  -  Departemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Bambang A Wibowo  -  Departemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Abdul Kohar Mudzakir  -  Departemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Pesisir Semarang memiliki potensi sumberdaya ikan meskipun tren produksinya cenderung menurun terutama setelah tahun 2015. Penurunan produksi tersebut berpotensi memiliki dampak terhadap kesejahteraan 1068 nelayan di Kota Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bioekonomi perikanan laut di pesisir Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CPUE perikanan laut di pesisir Semarang cenderung menurun. Sedangkan fungsi produksi perikanan lautnya mengikuti persamaan: C = 1418,6 E - 0,803606616 E2. Nilai EMSY perikanan laut di pesisir Semarang sebesar 883 nelayan, sedangkan nilai EMEY sebesar 504 nelayan. Terbukti bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan di pesisir Semarang telah mengalami over-fishing, baik secara biologi maupun ekonomi, sehingga pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan di pesisir Semarang perlu diatur untuk menjaga keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan dan profesi nelayan.


The coast of Semarang has potential for fish resources, although the trend of production tends to decline, especially after 2015. This decline has the potential (negative) impact on the welfare of 1,068 fishermen in Semarang City. The purpose of this study was to analyze the bioeconomics of marine fisheries in the coastal area of Semarang City. The results showed that the CPUE of marine fisheries on the coast of Semarang tended to decrease. Meanwhile, the marine fishery production function follows the equation: C = 1418.6 E - 0.803606616 E2. The EMSY value of marine fishery on the coast of Semarang is 883 fishermen, while the EMEY value is 504 fishermen. It is proven that the level of utilization of fish resources on the coast of Semarang has experienced over fishing, both biologically and economically, so that the utilization of fish resources on the coast of Semarang needs to be regulated to maintain the sustainability of fish resources and fishermen profession.

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Keywords: bioekonomi; model Gordon-Schaefer; MSY; MEY; Kota Semarang

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