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*Sri Suro Adhawati  -  Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas, Indonesia
M. Abduh Ibnu Hajar  -  Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas, Indonesia
Sitti Fakhriyyah  -  Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas, Indonesia

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This study aims to map fishing areas based on the operating coordinates of fishing gear. The research was carried out in two coastal districts, namely in Kajuara waters (Kajuara is on the south coast of Bone Bay at coordinate 5°06′39.77″–5°02′17.40″S and 120°27′03.46″ –120°30′37.74″E) and Lamuru waters (Lamuru is on the north coast of Bone Bay at coordinate 4°26′37.85″–4°20′49.52″S and 120°27′03.54″–120°34′06.58″E). The type of survey is taking a sample from one population and using a questionnaire as much 111 respondents, consisting of 65 respondents from Kajuara and 46 respondents from Lamuru. Answer the research objectives using Global Positioning System, satellite Citra (Google Earth Pro), percentage analysis (%) and total revenue analysis (TR). In Kajuara waters, there are seven types of fishing gear operating, four fishing zones, 11–18 types of catch, total catch is 335 kg/trip. In Lamuru waters; there are six types of fishing gear operating, five fishing zones, 4–16 types of catch, total catch is 290 kg/trip. Fishing gear in zone three Kajuara (fishing area at coordinates 5°06'43.41"- 5°02'07.61"S and 120°21'11.68”- 120°23'07.24E); lift nets, fishing rods and purse seines; in zone five (fishing area at coordinates 4°28'19.50"- 4°15'25.68"S and 120°27'03.54"- 120°34'06.58"E) the waters of Lamuru boat lift net and boat lift net cungkil (gouge) are the zones (fishing area) with the greatest potential and production value.

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Keywords: Bone Bay; Fisheries; Mapping Zonation; Production

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