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Flood Disaster Mitigation Using a Disaster Early Warning and Monitoring Information System with an IoT-Based Arduino Microcontroller

Mitigasi Bencana Banjir dengan Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Peringatan Dini Bencana menggunakan Microcontroller Arduino Berbasis IoT

*Danang Danang  -  Sekolah Tinggi Elektronika dan Komputer, Indonesia
Suwardi Suwardi  -  Sekolah Tinggi Elektronika dan Komputer, Indonesia
Ihsan Ardi Hidayat  -  Sekolah Tinggi Elektronika dan Komputer, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 TEKNIK

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The current system for mitigating floods is the doorman checking the water level in the water meter installed at the dam. When it rains very hard or other causes that might affect the flood, the doorman conveys information using the manual way by hitting kentongan to alert the surrounding community because the water level has the potential to cause flooding. This article presents the research aimed at flood disaster mitigation by building a monitoring and flood disaster early warning information system using an Internet of Things based Arduino microcontroller. A water level sensor installed at the river water gate is connected to an Arduino Uno device equipped with an SMS Gateway SIM900A. This system monitors the water level and sends information to the Kedungjati SAR Team and Ketua RT of the surrounding community around the river water gate when the water level approaches the upper limit of the flood disaster. IoT technology in this study is used to store river water level data and turn on the siren as flood warning signs when the data received reaches the flood alert level.
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Keywords: IoT; early warning system; flood disaster mitigation; Arduino

Article Metrics:

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