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Analisis Quality of Service Jaringan Long Term Evolution pada Mode Frequency Division Duplexing di Kota Semarang

Quality of Service Analysis of Long Term Evolution Network in Frequency Division Duplexing Mode in Semarang City

*Annisa Rossy Rahmatika  -  Departemen Teknik Komputer, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Sukiswo Sukiswo  -  Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Eko Didik Widianto orcid scopus  -  Departemen Teknik Komputer, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 TEKNIK

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The study aims to analyze the Quality of Service (QoS) of Long Term Evolution Frequency Division Duplexing (LTE FDD) telecommunication network in urban and sub-urban in Semarang city. This study observed the quality of the LTE FDD in terms of network responsiveness or ping, packet loss, delay, and throughput on upload and download from the user's experience based on eNodeB length variation. Quality observations were carried out on the QoS of the LTE FDD telecommunications network in the Semarang using the Axence NetTools and Oakla Speed Test applications during busy hours at each eNodeB. The results were presented based on variations in distance and showed the quality of packet loss and delay classified as very good based on ITU-T G.114, which is respectively less than 3% and 150 milliseconds. Ping testing was classified as good based on the LTE control plane, which is less than 50 milliseconds at each point. Service throughput was between 16.98-19.01 Mbps for uploads and 17.34 - 23.29 Mbps for uploads.
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Keywords: QoS; LTE FDD; Axence netTools;urban area

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