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Energy-Exergy Analysis of A Novel Multi-Pass Solar Air Collector With Perforated Fins

1Energy Systems Engineering, Technology Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

2Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey

3Insitute of Natural and Applied Science, Gazi University, Ankara,, Turkey

Published: 2 Feb 2019.
Editor(s): H Hadiyanto

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This work presents performance analysis of a novel multi-pass solar air collector with perforated fins (MPSACF) in winter conditions, Ankara province, Turkey. The aim of this work is to experimentally test  and compare the performance of the two different design of solar collectors in the same climatic conditions.  In addition, a double-pass solar air collector without fins (DPSAC) at the same absorber area was manufactured and tested as a control group. The total absorber area of both solar collectors is 0.325 m2. Thermal effects for performance improvement of the collectors have been designated.  Average thermal efficiency values of DPSAC and MPSACF were calculated as 47.85% and 51.86%, 67.10% and 72.86%, respectively in experiments performed at 0.0069 kg/s (0.7 m/s air velocity) and 0.0087 kg/s (0.9 m/s air velocity) mass flow rates. Exergy efficiency of DPSAC and MPSACF were 2.10-17.12% and 8.74-23.97%, respectively. Coefficient of performance(COP) values were ocomputed 4.63 and 4.94, 3.18 and 3.48 respectively in experiments performed at 0.0069 kg/s and 0.0087 kg/s mass flow rates. Although the MPSACF has high efficiency values, COP values are lower due to the presence of dual fans. Because of their high thermal efficiency, both collectors can be effectively practiced for applications such as preheating, space heating and ventilation, greenhouse heating and product drying

©2019. CBIORE-IJRED. All rights reserved

Article History: Received May 16th 2018; Received in revised form October 16th 2018 ; Accepted January 6th 2019; Available online

How to Cite This Article: Aktaş, M., Sözen, A., Tuncer, A.D., Arslan, E., Koşan, M., Çürük, O. (2019) Energy-exergy analysis of a novel multi-pass solar air collector with perforated fins. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 8(1), 47-55.


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Keywords: Solar energy; solar collector efficiency; energy and exergy; multi-pass solar air collector; performance analysis

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