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Integration of 5G Technologies in Smart Grid Communication-A Short Survey

1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India

2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore,, India

Received: 12 Mar 2019; Revised: 19 Sep 2019; Accepted: 5 Oct 2019; Available online: 30 Oct 2019; Published: 27 Oct 2019.
Editor(s): Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi, H Hadiyanto

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Smart grid is an intelligent power distribution system that employs dual communication between the energy devices and the substation. Dual communication helps to overseer the internet access points, energy meters, and power demand of the entire grid. Deployment of advanced communication and control technologies makes smart grid system efficient for energy availability and low-cost maintenance. Appropriate algorithms are analyzed first for the convenient grid to have proper routing and security with a high-level of power transmission and distribution. Information and Communication Technology plays a significant role in monitoring, demand response, and control of the energy distribution. This paper presents a broad review of communication and network technologies with regard to Internet of Things, Machine to Machine Communication, and Cognitive radio terminologies which comprises 5G technology. Networks suitable for future smart-grid are compared with respect to standard protocols, data rate, throughput, delay, security, and routing. Approaches adopted for the smart-grid system has been commended based on the performance and the parameters observed. ©2019. CBIORE-IJRED. All rights reserved
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Keywords: Smart Grid; Information and Communication Technology; Home Area Network; Software Defined Network; Cognitive Radio; Internet of Things; Device-to-Device Communication

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