1Laboratory developing physical-mechanical characterization and metallurgical materials, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem, Algeria
2Signals and Systems Laboratory Research, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem, Algeria
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJRED28022, author = {Salah Marih and Leila Ghomri and Benaissa Bekkouche}, title = {Evaluation of the Wind Potential and Optimal Design of a Wind Farm in The Arzew Industrial Zone in Western Algeria}, journal = {International Journal of Renewable Energy Development}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Wind resource assessment; Wind farm; Weibull distribution; Wind speed; Wind turbine; Power density; Optimization; WAsP; Arzew,;Algeria}, abstract = { This work presents an assessment of the wind potential and a design methodology for a 10 MW wind farm in the Arzew industrial region, located in northwest Algeria, to improve the quality of service of the electricity grid and increase Algeria's participation in the use of renewable energy. The hourly wind data of 10 years (2005-2015) that correspond to the wind potential of the site were analyzed, such as: dominant wind directions, probability distribution, Weibull parameters, mean wind speed and power potential. The site has a mean annual wind speed of 4.46 m/s at 10m height, and enough space to locate the wind turbines. A comparative study was carried out between four wind turbine technologies to improve the site's efficiency and select the appropriate technology: PowerWind 56/ 900 kW, Nordex N50/800 kW, Vestas V50/850 kW, NEG-Micon 44/750 kW. The estimate of the energy produced using WAsP software and the choice of the optimal architectural configuration for wind turbines installation was confirmed. A techno-economic and environmental study was carried out by HOMER software, to choose the model that produces the maximum annual net energy with a competitive cost in the global wind energy market, \$ 0.068/kWh, and that provides clean energy with a reduced emission of polluting gases. Finally, this work provides a good indicator for the construction of a wind farm in Arzew. }, pages = {177--187} doi = {10.14710/ijred.9.2.177-187}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijred/article/view/28022} }
Refworks Citation Data :
This work presents an assessment of the wind potential and a design methodology for a 10 MW wind farm in the Arzew industrial region, located in northwest Algeria, to improve the quality of service of the electricity grid and increase Algeria's participation in the use of renewable energy. The hourly wind data of 10 years (2005-2015) that correspond to the wind potential of the site were analyzed, such as: dominant wind directions, probability distribution, Weibull parameters, mean wind speed and power potential. The site has a mean annual wind speed of 4.46 m/s at 10m height, and enough space to locate the wind turbines. A comparative study was carried out between four wind turbine technologies to improve the site's efficiency and select the appropriate technology: PowerWind 56/ 900 kW, Nordex N50/800 kW, Vestas V50/850 kW, NEG-Micon 44/750 kW. The estimate of the energy produced using WAsP software and the choice of the optimal architectural configuration for wind turbines installation was confirmed. A techno-economic and environmental study was carried out by HOMER software, to choose the model that produces the maximum annual net energy with a competitive cost in the global wind energy market, $ 0.068/kWh, and that provides clean energy with a reduced emission of polluting gases. Finally, this work provides a good indicator for the construction of a wind farm in Arzew.
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