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Uji Model AERMOD Terhadap Sebaran Particulate Matter 10 µm (PM10) di Sekitar Kawasan PT Semen Padang

1Departement of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

2Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

Received: 8 Sep 2021; Revised: 10 Nov 2021; Accepted: 2 Jan 2022; Available online: 12 Jan 2022; Published: 9 Apr 2022.
Editor(s): H. Hadiyanto

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji model AERMOD dalam memprediksi sebaran PM10 di udara ambien kawasan PT Semen Padang. Lokasi penelitian sebanyak 32 titik berdasarkan 8 arah mata angin dengan jarak 0,5 km, 1 km, 1,5 km dan 2 km dari PT Semen Padang. Pengukuran PM10 menggunakan EPAM 5000 Real Time Particulate Air Monitor dilanjutkan pemetaan dengan software Surfer 11. Waktu pengukuran dibagi menjadi 4 shift, yaitu shift 1 (00.00 – 05.59 WIB), shift 2 (06.00 – 11.59 WIB), shift 3 (12.00 – 17.59 WIB) dan shift 4 (18.00 – 23.59 WIB). Pengambilan data meteorologi (temperatur udara, tekanan udara, kelembapan, kecepatan angin dan arah angin) menggunakan alat Meteorological Station PCE-FWS-20 untuk input data pada AERMET, dilanjutkan prediksi sebaran PM10 menggunakan software AERMOD View 8.9.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi PM10 dengan EPAM 5000 berkisar antara 21,0 – 79,0 µg/m3 dengan rata-rata 24 jam sebesar 41,7 µg/m3. Konsentrasi PM10 dengan AERMOD berkisar antara 3,5 sampai 68,0 µg/m3 dengan rata-rata 24 jam sebesar 10,6 µg/m3. Jika dibandingkan dengan baku mutu untuk Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, lokasi 11 dengan koordinat S 0°56'52.46" dan E 100°27'41.88"  pada  jarak 1 km kawasan Barat PT Semen Padang tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Model mendekati ideal atau dikatakan sempurna yaitu lokasi arah Timur dan Timur Laut karena elevasi yang lebih tinggi dari sumber emisi dan merupakan arah angin dominan pada siang hari.


This study aims to test the AERMOD model in predicting the distribution of PM10 in the ambient air of the PT Semen Padang area. The research locations were 32 points based on eight cardinal directions with a radius of 0.5 km, 1 km, 1.5 km, and 2 km from PT Semen Padang. PM10 measurement using EPAM 5000 Real-Time Particulate Air Monitor followed by mapping with Surfer 11 software. The measurement time is divided into four shifts, namely shift 1 (00.00 – 05.59 WIB), shift 2 (06.00 – 11.59 WIB), shift 3 (12.00 – 17.59 WIB), and shift 4 (18.00 – 23.59 WIB). Meteorological data retrieval (air temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction) using the Meteorological Station PCE-FWS-20 for data input to AERMET, followed by prediction of PM10 distribution using AERMOD View 8.9.0 software. The results showed that the concentration of PM10 with EPAM 5000 ranged from 21.0 – 79.0 g/m3 with a 24-hour average of 41.7 g/m3. The concentration of PM10 with AERMOD ranged from 3.5 - 68.0 g/m3 with a 24-hour average of 10.6 g/m3. When compared with the quality standard for Government Regulation no. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, location 11 with coordinates S 0°56'52.46" and E 100°27'41.88" at a distance of 1 km west of PT Semen Padang does not meet the quality standards. The model is close to ideal or is said to be perfect, namely the location of the East and Northeast directions because of the higher elevation of the emission source and the dominant wind direction during the day.

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Keywords: AERMOD; EPAM; PM10; PT Semen Padang; Udara ambien

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