1Departemen Ekonomi dan Sumberdaya Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
2Departemen Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
3Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JIL42694, author = {Arif Fianda and Intan Fandinny and Lely Kacaribu and Noor Desyani and Nuraulia Asyifa and Pini Wijayanti}, title = {Eco-friendly packaging: Preferensi dan Kesediaan Membayar Konsumen di Marketplaces}, journal = {Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Bioplastic; Choice Modelling; Recyclable cardboard; Willingness to pay}, abstract = { Peningkatan transaksi di marketplaces menyebabkan lonjakan jumlah pengiriman paket belanja online dan berimplikasi pada timbulan sampah yang didominasi oleh material plastik. Penerapan eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces sangat diperlukan dalam upaya mengurangi timbulan sampah dan dampak negatifnya terhadap lingkungan. Upaya ini pun akan mendukung pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) poin 12.5 yaitu mengurangi timbulan sampah secara substansial pada tahun 2030 melalui upaya pencegahan, pengurangan, daur ulang, dan penggunaan kembali. Penelitian bertujuan untuk 1) mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk eco-friendly packaging yang potensial diterapkan di marketplaces , 2) menganalisis preferensi konsumen terhadap penggunaan eco-friendly packaging , dan 3) merumuskan strategi penerapan eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces . Studi literatur, analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dan Contingent Choice Modelling (CCM) digunakan untuk menjawab tiga tujuan tersebut. Penelitian ini memformulasi sembilan alternatif eco-friendly packaging yang dapat diterapkan di marketplaces . Data diperoleh dari literatur dan survei secara blended terhadap 314 responden di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa Tengah. Studi literatur menunjukkan recyclable cardboard dan bioplastic dapat menjadi alternatif eco-friendly packaging yang paling relevan untuk marketplaces di Indonesia karena murah dan bahan terbaik. Analisis CCM mengungkap bahwa konsumen berminat terhadap eco-friendly packaging , mayoritas mengetahui manfaat penggunaannya dan bersedia untuk menggunakannya dengan total WTP maksimum sebesar Rp1.348,47 dan Rp4.237,80. Nilai Willingness to P ay (WTP) berpotensi meningkat jika konsumen diberikan edukasi manfaat eco-friendly packaging , dan berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Lima strategi agar implementasi eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces dapat efektif, yaitu 1) menetapkan harga maksimum eco-friendly packaging sebesar Rp1.348,47, 2) memberikan edukasi manfaat eco-friendly packaging , 3) bila pilot project diperlukan, DKI Jakarta dapat menjadi provinsi percontohan, 4) memberikan voucher eco-friendly packaging , serta 5) mewujudkan kerja sama antara pemerintah, marketplaces , penjual, dan konsumen. Pemerintah dapat menetapkan regulasi yang meminta marketplaces untuk menyediakan opsi eco-friendly packaging pada fitur pemilihan kemasan serta pemberian edukasi dan promosi penggunaan eco-friendly packaging untuk menarik minat konsumen. ABSTRA CT Marketplaces have increased the number of online-shopping package shipments and waste generation, which is dominated by plastic materials. Eco-friendly packaging is imperative to reduce waste generation including its negative environmental impacts. This effort is inline with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 12.5 i.e. by 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. This study aims to 1) identify forms of eco-friendly packaging that to be applied in marketplaces, 2) analyze consumer preferences for eco-friendly packaging, and 3) formulate strategies for implementing eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces. Study literature, descriptive analysis and contingent choice modeling (CCM) were used to answer the objectives. CCM formulated nine alternatives of eco-friendly packagings which can be applied in marketplaces. Data were obtained from literature stud and blended surveys to 314 respondents living in DKI Jakarta, West Java and Central Java provinces. The results show that recyclable cardboard and bioplastic can be an alternative to eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces. CCM analysis reveals that consumers are interested in eco-friendly packaging, most of them are aware to its benefits and willing to use it with a maximum total WTP of IDR 1,348.47 and IDR 4,237.80. These WTPs could increase under two conditions i.e., if the benefits of eco-friendly packaging are described to consumers before they select the packaging and if the consumers are living in DKI Jakarta province. Five strategies for the implementation of eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces include 1) setting the maximum price for eco-friendly packaging at Rp1,348.47, 2) providing education on the benefits of eco-friendly packaging, 3) if a pilot project is needed, DKI Jakarta province can become a pilot province, 4) provide eco-friendly packaging vouchers, and 5) create cooperation between the government, marketplace, sellers, and consumers. The government could set a regulation which ask marketplaces to provide eco-friendly packaging options in the packaging selection features as well as educating and promoting the use of eco-friendly packaging to gain consumer’s interest. }, pages = {147--157} doi = {10.14710/jil.20.1.147-157}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ilmulingkungan/article/view/42694} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Peningkatan transaksi di marketplaces menyebabkan lonjakan jumlah pengiriman paket belanja online dan berimplikasi pada timbulan sampah yang didominasi oleh material plastik. Penerapan eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces sangat diperlukan dalam upaya mengurangi timbulan sampah dan dampak negatifnya terhadap lingkungan. Upaya ini pun akan mendukung pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) poin 12.5 yaitu mengurangi timbulan sampah secara substansial pada tahun 2030 melalui upaya pencegahan, pengurangan, daur ulang, dan penggunaan kembali. Penelitian bertujuan untuk 1) mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk eco-friendly packaging yang potensial diterapkan di marketplaces, 2) menganalisis preferensi konsumen terhadap penggunaan eco-friendly packaging, dan 3) merumuskan strategi penerapan eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces. Studi literatur, analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dan Contingent Choice Modelling (CCM) digunakan untuk menjawab tiga tujuan tersebut. Penelitian ini memformulasi sembilan alternatif eco-friendly packaging yang dapat diterapkan di marketplaces. Data diperoleh dari literatur dan survei secara blended terhadap 314 responden di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa Tengah. Studi literatur menunjukkan recyclable cardboard dan bioplastic dapat menjadi alternatif eco-friendly packaging yang paling relevan untuk marketplaces di Indonesia karena murah dan bahan terbaik. Analisis CCM mengungkap bahwa konsumen berminat terhadap eco-friendly packaging, mayoritas mengetahui manfaat penggunaannya dan bersedia untuk menggunakannya dengan total WTP maksimum sebesar Rp1.348,47 dan Rp4.237,80. Nilai Willingness to Pay (WTP) berpotensi meningkat jika konsumen diberikan edukasi manfaat eco-friendly packaging, dan berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Lima strategi agar implementasi eco-friendly packaging di marketplaces dapat efektif, yaitu 1) menetapkan harga maksimum eco-friendly packaging sebesar Rp1.348,47, 2) memberikan edukasi manfaat eco-friendly packaging, 3) bila pilot project diperlukan, DKI Jakarta dapat menjadi provinsi percontohan, 4) memberikan voucher eco-friendly packaging, serta 5) mewujudkan kerja sama antara pemerintah, marketplaces, penjual, dan konsumen. Pemerintah dapat menetapkan regulasi yang meminta marketplaces untuk menyediakan opsi eco-friendly packaging pada fitur pemilihan kemasan serta pemberian edukasi dan promosi penggunaan eco-friendly packaging untuk menarik minat konsumen.
Marketplaces have increased the number of online-shopping package shipments and waste generation, which is dominated by plastic materials. Eco-friendly packaging is imperative to reduce waste generation including its negative environmental impacts. This effort is inline with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 12.5 i.e. by 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. This study aims to 1) identify forms of eco-friendly packaging that to be applied in marketplaces, 2) analyze consumer preferences for eco-friendly packaging, and 3) formulate strategies for implementing eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces. Study literature, descriptive analysis and contingent choice modeling (CCM) were used to answer the objectives. CCM formulated nine alternatives of eco-friendly packagings which can be applied in marketplaces. Data were obtained from literature stud and blended surveys to 314 respondents living in DKI Jakarta, West Java and Central Java provinces. The results show that recyclable cardboard and bioplastic can be an alternative to eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces. CCM analysis reveals that consumers are interested in eco-friendly packaging, most of them are aware to its benefits and willing to use it with a maximum total WTP of IDR 1,348.47 and IDR 4,237.80. These WTPs could increase under two conditions i.e., if the benefits of eco-friendly packaging are described to consumers before they select the packaging and if the consumers are living in DKI Jakarta province. Five strategies for the implementation of eco-friendly packaging in marketplaces include 1) setting the maximum price for eco-friendly packaging at Rp1,348.47, 2) providing education on the benefits of eco-friendly packaging, 3) if a pilot project is needed, DKI Jakarta province can become a pilot province, 4) provide eco-friendly packaging vouchers, and 5) create cooperation between the government, marketplace, sellers, and consumers. The government could set a regulation which ask marketplaces to provide eco-friendly packaging options in the packaging selection features as well as educating and promoting the use of eco-friendly packaging to gain consumer’s interest.
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JURNAL ILMU LINGKUNGAN ISSN:1829-8907 by Graduate Program of Environmental Studies, School of Postgraduate Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at www.undip.ac.id.