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1Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

2Nutrition and Food Service Unit, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia

3Geriatric Division, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

4 Nutrition Unit, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Indonesia

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Received: 23 Mar 2023; Published: 24 Jun 2023.

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Background: Malnutrition at hospital admission may adversely affect patients' clinical outcomes. The Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) recently set a standard of measurable criteria to diagnose malnutrition.

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the proportion and risk factors of malnutrition at hospital admission.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the internal medicine ward of the National General Central Hospital, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusmo (RSCM), Jakarta, from January to May 2022. Subjects aged 18 and above were recruited for this study. Malnutrition at hospital admission was defined according to the GLIM criteria. Then, the data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression to determine malnutrition risk factors, presented by odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).

Results: A total of 231 subjects were enrolled in the study. Among them, 85.3% were malnourished according to the GLIM criteria. In addition, subjects with a severe to total dependency on functional status (OR 9.406, 95%CI: 3.147–28.109), inadequate energy intake (OR 2.718, 95%CI: 1.197–6.172), and multimorbidity (OR 2.337, 95%CI: 1.045–5.228), were significantly associated with malnutrition at hospital admission cases.

Conclusion: According to the GLIM criteria, the proportion of malnutrition at hospital admission is high. The risk factors of malnutrition at hospital admission include low functional status, inadequate energy intake, and multimorbidity.

Keywords : Malnutrition; Nutritional status; Nutrition assessment; Hospital admission; Internal medicine, Inpatients

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Keywords: Malnutrition; Nutritional status; Nutrition assessment; Hospital admission; Internal medicine, Inpatients

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