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*M Nur Irsyad  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Sri Hartini  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Value Stream Mapping (VSM) telah menjadi alat ukur kinerja penting di berbagai industri, namun penelitian tren penggunaannya terbaru minim. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tren VSM terhadap publikasi yang terindeks Scopus dalam 5 tahun terakhir (2019-2024) menggunakan analisis bibliometrik. Data dianalisis menggunakan VOSviewer dan Pivot Table. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 528 artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam 149 jurnal selama 5 tahun terakhir, negara dengan jumlah penelitian VSM paling produktif adalah Indonesia, serta jurnal yang paling banyak menerbitkan artikel VSM adalah Sustainability Switzerland. Analisis VOSviewer menunjukkan 6 kluster penulis dan 5 kluster kata kunci. "Sustainable Development" dan "Decision Making" teridentifikasi sebagai kata kunci terkini dengan kemunculan dan kekuatan tautan total paling besar. Celah penelitian yang teridentifikasi antara lain Menghubungkan VSM dengan Sustainable Manufacturing dan Sustainable Development, Menghubungkan Agile Manufacturing Systems dengan Smart Manufacturing, dan Menerapkan VSM dengan kata kunci terkini lainnya seperti Risk Assessment, Lean Six Sigma, Health Care, Construction Industry, Smart Manufacturing, Machine Learning, dan Lean Production. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang perkembangan penggunaan VSM untuk pengukuran kinerja dan mengidentifikasi peluang penelitian baru di bidang ini.


[Value Stream Mapping as an Analysis Tool in Lean Manufacturing: Bibliometric Analysis] Value Stream Mapping (VSM) has become an important performance measurement tool in various industries, but research on the latest trends in its use is minimal. Therefore, this study aims to analyze VSM trends towards Scopus-indexed publications in the last 5 years (2019-2024) using bibliometric analysis. Data were analyzed using VOSviewer and Pivot Table. The findings showed that there were 528 articles published in 149 journals over the last 5 years, the country with the most productive VSM research was Indonesia, and the journal that published the most VSM articles was Sustainability Switzerland. VOSviewer analysis showed 6 author clusters and 5 keyword clusters. "Sustainable Development" and "Decision Making" were identified as the current keywords with the greatest occurrence and total link strength. Research gaps identified include Linking VSM with Sustainable Manufacturing and Sustainable Development, Linking Agile Manufacturing Systems with Smart Manufacturing, and Applying VSM with other current keywords such as Risk Assessment, Lean Six Sigma, Health Care, Construction Industry, Smart Manufacturing, Machine Learning, and Lean Production. This research provides a comprehensive overview of the growing use of VSM for performance measurement and identifies new research opportunities in this area.

Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis; Value Stream Mapping (VSM); Scopus; VOSviewer

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Keywords: Analisis Bibliometrik; Value Stream Mapping (VSM); Scopus; VOSviewer

Article Metrics:

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