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Jarak Sumber Air Baku Air Minum dari Pusat Erupsi dan Risiko Kesehatan Masyarakat di Wilayah Pasca Erupsi Sinabung

1Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

2Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Medan Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Medan, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2020 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Latar belakang: Gunung sinabung sudah mengalami erupsi selama 9 tahun sejak  bulan Agustus tahun 2010, hal ini menyebabkan perubahan ekosistem karena  telah merubah struktur tanah dan mempengaruhi kualitas air di wilayah erupsi. Kondisi ini menimbulkan faktor risiko kesehatan pada masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi sumber air baku air minum yang tercemar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalis kualitas air minum masyarakat dan mengukur risiko kesehatan lingkungan yang timbul sebagai dampak dari erupsi berdasarkan jarak sumber air baku .

Metode: Penelitian survei dengan design cross sectional berlokasi di hunian tetap desa Nang belawan kecamatan Simpang Empat kabupaten Karo propinsi Sumatera utara.   Sampel meliputi air baku air minum yang diambil di empat lokasi. Air baku dianalisis dengan alat photometer water test kit AYI-IO, dan kemudian  hasilnya dipetakan dengan analisis spasial berdasarkan jarak dari sumber erupsi ke sumber air baku. Sejumlah 56 kepala keluarga  diambil secara purposive sampling di wilayah penelitian berdasarkan cemaran Pb tertinggi, selanjutnya dianalisa dengan  metode Analisa Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan.

Hasil: Seluruh sampel air tercemar Pb dengan rentang 0.17 -0.9 mg/L. Masyarakat dengan masa tinggal 4 tahun dan rerata berat badan 55 Kg dan mengkonsumsi 2 L/hari memiliki risiko kesehatan.

Simpulan: Masyarakat yang bermukim di lokasi hunian tetap Nang Belawan 1 memiliki konsentrasi Pb maksimum 0,9 mg/L dan memiliki risiko kesehatan akibat  mengkonsumsi air minum yang tercemar Pb.  Pengelolaan air baku dengan metode penyaringan khusus dalam upaya menurunkan konsentrasi Pb perlu dilakukan agar dapat menurunkan risiko kesehatan.



Title: The Raw Water Source Distance  From The Center Of Eruption And  Public Health Risks in The Area of Sinabung Post-Eruption

Background: Mount Sinabung has been erupted  for 9 years since August 2010, it caused  ecosystem changing because it changed the soil structure and will affecting water quality in the eruption area. This condition raises environmental health risks for people who consume drinking water sources contaminated with volcanic dust pollutants. This study aims to analyze the quality of Pb in community drinking water and environmental health risks that arise as a result of eruptions and knowing  the status of raw water quality based on the distance from the eruption center.

Method: This is survey study with cross-sesctional design was located in Nang Belawan village Simpang Empat sub-District Karo District in North Sumatera Province with four locations for drinking water source samples. The raw water is analyzed by the AYI-IO water test kit, and then the results are mapped with spatial analysis based on the distance from the point of Mount Sinabung. 56 samples were taken by purposive sampling in the area with the highest Pb contamination, then analyzed by enviromental health risks assesment

Result:  All samples of Pb polluted water ranged from 0.17 to 0.9 mg / L. People with a 4-year stay and average body weight of 55 kg and consuming 2 L / day had risks.  Raw water with a distance of 9.66 - 11.43  Km from Sinabung is not safe for consumption.

Conclusion: This indicates that people living in the Nang Belawan 1 Huntap location with maximum Pb concentration of 0.9 mg / L had a health risk due to contaminated raw water. Need to manage raw water as a source of drinking water with a special screening method, in an effort to reduce the concentration of Pb. The distance of the well 11.43 Km from the eruption center is not safe for consumption



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Keywords: Pb; air minum; pasca erupsi; risiko kesehatan
Funding: Ir. Retno Agung BMKG Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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