Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Jember University, Jl. Kalimantan 1 No 93, Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JKLI46506, author = {Leily Rusul Islami Denia Putri and Anita Moelyaningrum and Prehatin Ningrum}, title = {Kondisi Fisik Air Sungai Dan Kandungan Logam Kromium Pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) (Studi Di Sungai Kreongan Sekitar Industri Batik X, Kecamatan Patrang, Kabupaten Jember)}, journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Kromium (Cr); Oreochromis niloticus; Parameter Fisik Air Sungai dan Limbah Batik}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Industri batik dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan apabila limbahnya dibuang ke sungai tanpa proses pengolahan. Limbah cair batik yang dihasilkan dari proses pewarnaan mengandung kromium. Kromium memiliki sifat karsinogenik dan nonbiodegradabel yang berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi fisik air Sungai Kreongan dan ikan nila, serta mengetahui kandungan Cr dalam daging ikan nila. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Tempat penelitian berada di Sungai Kreongan. Sampel ikan nila diambil dari 4 titik sebanyak 8 ekor dengan teknik purposive sampling . Jumlah sampel responden 89 orang dengan teknik random sampling . Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan SPSS kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk tabel yang dinarasikan Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil observasi kondisi fisik air sungai kreongan titik 1 dan 4 tidak berwarna, tidak berasa dan tidak berbau. Titik 2 berwarna merah, memiliki rasa asin dan tidak berbau. Titik 3 berwarna kuning, tidak berasa dan tidak berbau. Kandungan kromium ikan sampel 1 yakni 1,6 ppm, sampel 2 yakni 2,9 ppm, sampel 3 yakni 1,9 ppm dan sampel 4 yakni 2,7 ppm. Kondisi fisik ikan sampel 2 memiliki ukuran tubuh tidak proporsional, filament insang berwarna merah pucat dan kondisinya geripis, sirip ekor geripis, mata cekung serta tubuh berwarna pucat. Ikan sampel 1, 3, dan 4 memiliki kondisi fisik sama yakni ukuran tubuh proporsional, filament insang berwarna merah, sirip ekor geripis, mata jernih dan tubuh berwarna hitam Simpulan: Dampak pembuangan limbah batik x pada titik 2 menyebabkan kondisi fisik air sungai berubah, menyebabkan akumulasi kromium tertinggi pada ikan nila dan merusak kondisi fisik ikannya. ABSTRACT Title: Physical Conditions of River Water and The Assessment of Contained Chromium Metal in Tilapia (O. niloticus) (Study at Kreongan River around Batik X Industry, Patrang District, Jember Regency. Background: Batik industry can cause environmental pollution, if the waste discharged into the river without processing. Batik liquid waste resulting from coloring process contains of chromium. Chromium have a carcinogenic and non-biodegradable characteristic that have a negative impact to environment and health. The aims are to describe the physical condition of river water and tilapia organs, and measure chromium value on tilapia’s body. Method: This research use a descriptive method, located on the Kreongan River. 8 Tilapia samples were taken from 4 sampling points using purposive sampling technique. This research have 89 respondents with random sampling technique. The data processed with SPSS then analyzed descriptively in the form of narrative table. Results: Based on the observation results at sampling point 1 and 4 the water have colorless, un-smell and didn’t have a taste. At point 2, the water have red color, salty and un-smell. At point 3, the water have light yellow color, un-taste and un-smell. The chromium content at fish sample 1 is 1.6 ppm, sample 2 is 2.9 ppm, sample 3 is 1.9 ppm and sample 4 is 2.7 ppm. Physical conditions of fish sample 2 are have disproportional body, the gill filaments was pale red and sparsed, one of the fins were flaky, sunken eyes and pale body. While the fish sample 1,3 and 4 have proportional body, red gill filament, one of the fins were flaky, clear eyes and black body. Conclusion: The impact of batik x waste at point 2 are cause the physical condition of the river, causing the highest chromium accumulation in tilapia and damaging the physical condition of the fish. }, issn = {2502-7085}, pages = {293--300} doi = {10.14710/jkli.21.3.293-300}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Industri batik dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan apabila limbahnya dibuang ke sungai tanpa proses pengolahan. Limbah cair batik yang dihasilkan dari proses pewarnaan mengandung kromium. Kromium memiliki sifat karsinogenik dan nonbiodegradabel yang berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi fisik air Sungai Kreongan dan ikan nila, serta mengetahui kandungan Cr dalam daging ikan nila.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Tempat penelitian berada di Sungai Kreongan. Sampel ikan nila diambil dari 4 titik sebanyak 8 ekor dengan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel responden 89 orang dengan teknik random sampling. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan SPSS kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk tabel yang dinarasikan
Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil observasi kondisi fisik air sungai kreongan titik 1 dan 4 tidak berwarna, tidak berasa dan tidak berbau. Titik 2 berwarna merah, memiliki rasa asin dan tidak berbau. Titik 3 berwarna kuning, tidak berasa dan tidak berbau. Kandungan kromium ikan sampel 1 yakni 1,6 ppm, sampel 2 yakni 2,9 ppm, sampel 3 yakni 1,9 ppm dan sampel 4 yakni 2,7 ppm. Kondisi fisik ikan sampel 2 memiliki ukuran tubuh tidak proporsional, filament insang berwarna merah pucat dan kondisinya geripis, sirip ekor geripis, mata cekung serta tubuh berwarna pucat. Ikan sampel 1, 3, dan 4 memiliki kondisi fisik sama yakni ukuran tubuh proporsional, filament insang berwarna merah, sirip ekor geripis, mata jernih dan tubuh berwarna hitam
Simpulan: Dampak pembuangan limbah batik x pada titik 2 menyebabkan kondisi fisik air sungai berubah, menyebabkan akumulasi kromium tertinggi pada ikan nila dan merusak kondisi fisik ikannya.
Title: Physical Conditions of River Water and The Assessment of Contained Chromium Metal in Tilapia (O. niloticus) (Study at Kreongan River around Batik X Industry, Patrang District, Jember Regency.
Background: Batik industry can cause environmental pollution, if the waste discharged into the river without processing. Batik liquid waste resulting from coloring process contains of chromium. Chromium have a carcinogenic and non-biodegradable characteristic that have a negative impact to environment and health. The aims are to describe the physical condition of river water and tilapia organs, and measure chromium value on tilapia’s body.
Method: This research use a descriptive method, located on the Kreongan River. 8 Tilapia samples were taken from 4 sampling points using purposive sampling technique. This research have 89 respondents with random sampling technique. The data processed with SPSS then analyzed descriptively in the form of narrative table.
Results: Based on the observation results at sampling point 1 and 4 the water have colorless, un-smell and didn’t have a taste. At point 2, the water have red color, salty and un-smell. At point 3, the water have light yellow color, un-taste and un-smell. The chromium content at fish sample 1 is 1.6 ppm, sample 2 is 2.9 ppm, sample 3 is 1.9 ppm and sample 4 is 2.7 ppm. Physical conditions of fish sample 2 are have disproportional body, the gill filaments was pale red and sparsed, one of the fins were flaky, sunken eyes and pale body. While the fish sample 1,3 and 4 have proportional body, red gill filament, one of the fins were flaky, clear eyes and black body.
Conclusion: The impact of batik x waste at point 2 are cause the physical condition of the river, causing the highest chromium accumulation in tilapia and damaging the physical condition of the fish.
Note: This article has supplementary file(s).
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