BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JSPI14004, author = {Erika Sulistiyawati and Harry Soesanto}, title = {STUDI MENGENAI PERILAKU PENYESUAIAN DIRI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA PENJUALAN (Studi terhadap Tenaga Penjual pada lndustri Asuransi di Kota Semarang)}, journal = {Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Marketing Science)}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, year = {2017}, keywords = {psychological adaptiveness-listening ability-mediator-sales performance}, abstract = { I n i n s u ra nc e i n d u s t r y , s a l e s p e r s on p l ays such an important role in promoting the product of i n s ura n ce . I n o r d e r to u n d e r s t a n d t h a t i mp o rt a n t r o l e . it is necessary to understand the characteristics or ab i l iti e s requ ir ed by t he sales p er s on to improve t he so l es pe r fo rmance . Even t h oug h a sa l e s p e r s o n may have a co m p l eme n t qf adaptive psycho l o g i c a l traits, a lack of commun i cation s k i l l, i n d i c a t e d by t h e less ab i l i t y of li s t ening wi ll im p e d e success in sa l es In t e r a c ti o n s . Therefore, th i s research proposes a prob l e m w h e th er l iste ni ng a b i l ity cou l d med i a t e t h e re l a t ions h ip between psyc h o l og i ca l a d a p t iveness in se ll ing (se lf m oni t ori n g and e m p a t h y ) a n d sa l es pe r fo r m an ce . T h i s researc h aims to ana l yze t h e effect of l iste n ing abi li ty as m e d i a t o r i n re l atio n sh i p be tw een psyc h o l o g i c a l a d ap t iveness in se lli ng ( s e lf- m o n i t o r i n g and e m pa t h y ) and sales performance. A model has been deve l o p e d a n d 5 h ypo t heses haw been proposed l o meet th e research problemthrough SEM analysis. The object of th i s research Is the sa l es person qf insurance company in Semarang city. in which the samples are dete r m i n e d by applying doub l e samp l i n g me t h o d , a comb i na tio n ofp u r po s ive and quota sampling method. T h e sa m p l e s i ze 100 insurance sa l es person a n d the da l a are col l ected b y d i s t r ib u t i n g q u e s t i on n a i r e s . T h e resu l t of this resea r ch proved t h a t a ll hypotheses cou l d be accepted, meaning t h a t self- moni t or i ng a n d empathy have positive effect on l istening abi l ity and sa l es performance. a l so listening ability has posi t ive effect on sales perfo r m an c e , and able to be explained t h at self-monitoring and e m pathy have direct effect on sa l es performance and m i g h t have indirect one, through listening abi l ity as mediator . }, issn = {2580-118X}, pages = {181--196} doi = {10.14710/parole.v%vi%i.1-10}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
In insurance industry, salesperson plays such an important role in promoting the product of insurance. In order to understand that important role. it is necessary to understand the characteristics or abilities required by the sales person to improve the soles performance. Even though a salesperson may have a complement qf adaptive psychological traits, a lack of communication skill, indicated by the less ability of listening will impede success in sales Interactions. Therefore, this research proposes a problem whether listening ability could mediate the relationship between psychological adaptiveness in selling (self monitoring and empathy) and sales performance. This research aims to analyze the effect of listening ability as mediator in relationship between psychological adaptiveness in selling (self-monitoring and empathy) and sales performance.
A model has been developed and 5 hypotheses haw been proposed lo meet the research problemthrough SEM analysis. The object of this research Is the sales person qf insurance company in Semarang city. in which the samples are determined by applying double sampling method, a combination ofpurposive and quota sampling method. The sample size 100 insurance sales person and the dala are collected by distributing questionnaires.
The result of this research proved that all hypotheses could be accepted, meaning that self- monitoring and empathy have positive effect on listening ability and sales performance. also listening ability has positive effect on sales performance, and able to be explained that self-monitoring and empathy have direct effect on sales performance and might have indirect one, through listening ability as mediator.
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Last update: 2025-02-24 05:02:47