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Prediction of Pharmacokinetics Parameter and Molecular Docking Study of Antidiabetic Compounds from Syzygium polyanthum and Syzygium cumini

Faculty of Pharmacy, Setia Budi University, Indonesia

Received: 8 Dec 2019; Revised: 21 May 2020; Accepted: 31 May 2020; Published: 30 Jun 2020.
Open Access Copyright 2020 Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi under

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Syzygium polyanthum leaf extract and Syzygium cumini herbs extract have been reported to have antidiabetic activity. This study aimed to predict the molecular target of chemical constituents of S. polyanthum and S. cumini as well as study their interactions with various macromolecular targets of an antidiabetic agent. Molecular docking of all ligands was studied using the Autodock Vina program in PyRx, and the results are presented as binding affinity values (kcal/mol) of ligand against the protein. PyMOL is used to visualize the 3D molecular of docked conformation and ligand-protein interactions. The predicted pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained by SwissADME. Delphinidin-3-gentiobioside and isoquercitrin are predicted to have good interaction with DPP-4 and α-glucosidase, respectively. However, they are predicted to have poor absorption properties. Quercetin and kaempferol are predicted to have good interaction with PTP1B and glucokinase and showed good pharmacokinetic properties.

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Prediction of Pharmacokinetics Parameter and Molecular Docking Study of Antidiabetic Compounds from Syzygium polyanthum and Syzygium cumin
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Prediction of Pharmacokinetics Parameter and Molecular Docking Study of Antidiabetic Compounds from Syzygium polyanthum and Syzygium cumin
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Keywords: molecular docking; Syzygium polyanthum; Syzygium cumini; antidiabetic; AutoDock Vina; SwissADME
Funding: Kementerian Riset Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia

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