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1Kantor Notaris Ngadino, S.H.,M.H., Indonesia

2Jl Majapahit (Brigadir Jenderal Sudiarto) No 238 Semarang Nomor Telp : 024 672 2088, Indonesia

3Program Studi Magister Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

4 Jl. Imam Bardjo No. 1-3 Semarang, Indonesia

5 Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 NOTARIUS

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In the case of adoption of children, it often happens that adopted children do not obtain the slightest property because their adoptive parents do not know that their adopted children have the right to obtain the assets of their adoptive parents, therefore the authors are interested in conducting research in the form of a journal entitled "Implementation of Mandatory Wills According to the Compilation of Islamic Law in In Sambas Court Practice "The process of adopting a child has resulted in new legal provisions. According to the compilation of Islamic law adopted children are entitled to a mandatory will of 1/3 part. In this case, the implementation of the compulsory testament has not been carried out in the Sambas Religious Court because of ignorance or do not recognize the obligatory testament for adopted children in Islamic inheritance law. Mandatory wills are supposed to be carried out because mandatory inheritance is a will after the law that has been set out in article 209 Compilation of Islamic Law. To be able to understand and know the obligatory wills according to the Compilation of Islamic Law there needs to be socialization to the community especially in Sambas District. In conducting this research, the type of research the author uses is empirical legal research. 

Keywords: mandatory wills; adopted children


Dalam hal pengangkatan anak,Sering terjadi anak angkat tidak memperoleh harta sedikitpun karena orang tua angkatnya tidak tahu bahwa anak angkatnya berhak memperoleh harta orang tua angkatnya, maka dari itu penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian dalam bentuk jurnal dengan judul “Pelaksanaan Wasiat Wajibah Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam Di Dalam Praktek Pengadilan Sambas”Proses pengangkatan anak mengakibatkan ketentuan hukum baru. Menurut kompilasi hukum islam anak angkat berhak mendapat wasiat wajibah sebanyak 1/3 bagian.Dalam hal ini, pelaksanaan wasiat wajibah belum di laksanakan di Pengadilan Agama Sambas di karenakan faktor ketidak tahuan atau belum mengenal wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat dalam hukum waris islam. Wasiat wajibah seharusnya hendak di laksanakan karena wasiat wajibah adalah wasiat demi hukum yang sudah di atur pada pasal 209 Kompilasi Hukum Islam.Untuk dapat memahami dan mengetahui wasiat wajibah menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam perlu adanya sosialisasi kepada masyarakat khususnya di Kecamatan Sambas. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, jenis penelitian yang di gunakan penulis adalah penelitian hukum empiris.

Kata kunciwasiat wajibah; anak angkat
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Keywords: wasiat wajibah; anak angkat

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