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Land Purchase Binding Deed (PJB) of land cannot yet be used as a basis for land registration because it is still temporary before the buying and selling process is completed, because the registration requirements for the transfer of land rights are used by AJB PPAT. This study aims to determine the position of the PJB deed in the sale and purchase of land, its strengths and weaknesses. The method used is normative juridical. The results of the study showed that the PJB's position was an initial agreement before the AJB was made as a condition for the transfer of land rights in the certificate. In conclusion, the PJB Deed is not proof of the transfer of land rights. AJB must be made immediately after the PJB Deed is completed (paid off) as proof of the transfer of land rights. The power of the PJB deed is very strong because the PJB made before a notary is an authentic deed. Weaknesses of the PJB still need other legal action, namely the making of AJB as a condition for changing the ownership rights to the land due to buying and selling on certificates.


Keywords:  deed; binding of buying and selling land  



Akta Pengikatan Jual Beli (PJB) tanah belum dapat digunakan dasar pendaftaran tanah karena masih bersifat sementara sebelum proses jual belinya selesai, karena syarat pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah digunakan AJB PPAT. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kedudukan akta PJB dalam jual beli tanah, kekuatan dan kelemahannya. Metode yang digunakan yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kedudukan PJB merupakan perjanjian awal sebelum dibuatnya AJB sebagai syarat peralihan hak atas tanah dalam sertipikat. Kesimpulannya Akta PJB bukan tanda bukti peralihan hak atas tanah. Agar segera dibuat AJB setelah Akta PJB selesai (lunas) sebagai bukti peralihan hak atas tanah. Kekuatan akta PJB yaitu sangat kuat karena PJB yang dibuat dihadapan notaris, merupakan akta otentik. Kelemahan PJB masih perlu tindakan hukum lain yaitu pembuatan AJB sebagai syarat perubahan hak milik atas tanah karena jual beli pada sertipikat.


Katakunci: akta; pengikatan jual beli tanah


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Last update: 2025-01-21 16:05:25

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