1Program Studi Magister Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
2Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{NTS43855, author = {Fildzah Lutfiyani and Aminah Aminah}, title = {Dampak Penghapusan Formasi Jabatan dan Perubahan Daerah Kerja PPAT Bagi PPAT dan PPATS}, journal = {Notarius}, volume = {16}, number = {2}, year = {2023}, keywords = {removal; position formations; PPAT}, abstract = { Abstract The issuance of the Government Regulation concerning the PPAT positions in Indonesia provides initial legal certainty, but rule changes without additional regulations have led to differing interpretations and a lack of legal certainty due to alterations in articles. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the removal of position formations and changes in work areas, as well as their impacts on PPAT and PPATS positions according to the interpretation of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2016. The research method employed in this article is normative juridical, where secondary legal materials serve as the basis for the author in explaining the changes in articles present in the latest regulation regarding PPAT positions. The research concludes that the new PPAT rules remove the position formations by the minister, expand the work area to a single province. The impact is positive psychologically and systematically, but hindered by the absence of ministerial regulations. For PPAT, there is an opportunity for increased professionalism along with the challenge of expanding the area. As for PPATS, there is a possibility of reduced demand in specific regions. Keywords: removal; position formations; PPAT Abstrak Terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah tentang jabatan PPAT di Indonesia memberikan kepastian hukum awal, tetapi perubahan aturan tanpa peraturan tambahan menyebabkan perbedaan interpretasi dan kurangnya kepastian hukum akibat perubahan pasal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan deskripsi dan analisa mengenai dihapusnya formasi jabatan dan perubahan daerah kerja, serta dampaknya bagi jabatan PPAT dan PPATS sesuai dengan interpretasi menurut PP Nomor 24 Tahun 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini ialah yuridis normatif, dimana bahan hukum sekunder menjadi acuan penulis dalam menjabarkan perubahan pasal yang terdapat pada peraturan terbaru terkait jabatan PPAT. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa Aturan baru PPAT menghapus formasi jabatan oleh menteri, perluas daerah kerja menjadi satu provinsi. Dampaknya positif psikologis dan sistematis, namun terkendala peraturan menteri yang belum ada. Bagi PPAT, peluang tingkat profesionalisme dengan tantangan perluasan wilayah. Bagi PPATS, kemungkinan berkurangnya kebutuhan di wilayah tertentu. Kata kunci: penghapusan; formasi jabatan; PPAT }, issn = {2686-2425}, pages = {805--822} doi = {10.14710/nts.v16i2.43855}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/notarius/article/view/43855} }
Refworks Citation Data :
The issuance of the Government Regulation concerning the PPAT positions in Indonesia provides initial legal certainty, but rule changes without additional regulations have led to differing interpretations and a lack of legal certainty due to alterations in articles. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the removal of position formations and changes in work areas, as well as their impacts on PPAT and PPATS positions according to the interpretation of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2016. The research method employed in this article is normative juridical, where secondary legal materials serve as the basis for the author in explaining the changes in articles present in the latest regulation regarding PPAT positions. The research concludes that the new PPAT rules remove the position formations by the minister, expand the work area to a single province. The impact is positive psychologically and systematically, but hindered by the absence of ministerial regulations. For PPAT, there is an opportunity for increased professionalism along with the challenge of expanding the area. As for PPATS, there is a possibility of reduced demand in specific regions.
Keywords: removal; position formations; PPAT
Terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah tentang jabatan PPAT di Indonesia memberikan kepastian hukum awal, tetapi perubahan aturan tanpa peraturan tambahan menyebabkan perbedaan interpretasi dan kurangnya kepastian hukum akibat perubahan pasal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan deskripsi dan analisa mengenai dihapusnya formasi jabatan dan perubahan daerah kerja, serta dampaknya bagi jabatan PPAT dan PPATS sesuai dengan interpretasi menurut PP Nomor 24 Tahun 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini ialah yuridis normatif, dimana bahan hukum sekunder menjadi acuan penulis dalam menjabarkan perubahan pasal yang terdapat pada peraturan terbaru terkait jabatan PPAT. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa Aturan baru PPAT menghapus formasi jabatan oleh menteri, perluas daerah kerja menjadi satu provinsi. Dampaknya positif psikologis dan sistematis, namun terkendala peraturan menteri yang belum ada. Bagi PPAT, peluang tingkat profesionalisme dengan tantangan perluasan wilayah. Bagi PPATS, kemungkinan berkurangnya kebutuhan di wilayah tertentu.
Kata kunci: penghapusan; formasi jabatan; PPAT
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Last update: 2025-03-11 14:08:26
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