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Partai Islam, Tafsir Agama, dan Representasi Perempuan dalam Partai Persatuan Pembangunan

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia

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Some studies about women’s participation in Islamic Political Parties are still limited in political recruitment without considering the “Islamic Values” within in. This paper aims to analyze how the Islamic Party in Indonesia supports and works for women's representation in the national legislature in 2014 amid some “mainstream-malestream” religion interpretation of a leader. By conducting in-depth interviews with the Chairman of the PPP, the most senior Islamic Party in 2014 Election, the authors found that since 2003, as stipulated in Muktamar V PPP, the party has noticed the participation and role of women in politics. It shows us that in terms of giving attention to the role of women in Politics, PPP has done it before the government launched an affirmative action policy in 2004. Unfortunately, the openness of the participation of women that have been designed by the PPP has not been followed by its efforts to change the unequal structure and gender relations. Women candidates must compete in the prevailing market mechanism which is still gender-neutral.

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Keywords: affirmative action, legislative women candidates, PPP, the Islamic Party, women representative

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