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*Galuh Widiyarti  -  Pusat Penelitian Kimia, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia
Muhammad Hanafi  -  Pusat Penelitian Kimia, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia
Published: 5 Dec 2008.

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In the laboratory scale, the effect of the concentration of H2SO4 catalyst (1.25-6.25) (% w/w) and the equivalent mol ratio between lauric acid and glycerol (1:1; 1:2.5; 2.5:1) on the synthesis of a-monolaurin has been studied. The a-monolaurin compound has been synthesized from lauric acid and glycerol was done by batch esterification on the free solvent system. The esterification by using 5% H2SO4 catalyst and equivalent mol ratio between lauric acid and glycerol 1:2.5 produced most monolaurin, and dilaurin in amount of 31.14 and 4.42%, respectively. The monolaurin and dilaurin are identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC), infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer. The spectral data of monolaurin was compared to spectral data of standard a-monolaurin.

Telah dilakukan penelitian sintesis senyawa a-monolaurin dari asam laurat dan gliserol, dengan konsentrasi katalis H2SO4 (1,25 s.d. 6,25) (% berat) dan perbandingan molaritas reaktan asam laurat terhadap gliserol (1:1; 1:2,5; dan 2,5:1) sebagai parameter. Pada reaksi esterifikasi dengan konsentrasi katalis H2SO4 5%  dan perbandingan molaritas asam laurat terhadap gliserol 1:2,5 dihasilkan senyawa a-monolaurin terbanyak 31,14% sebagai hasil utama dan senyawa a,a’-dilaurin 4,42% sebagai hasil samping sintesis. Kedua senyawa hasil sintesis diidentifikasi dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT), spektrofotometer infra merah (FTIR), spektrometer massa liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS), dan spektrometer resonansi magnetik inti (NMR). Karakteristik senyawa a-monolaurin hasil sintesis dibandingkan  dengan karakteristik a-monolaurin standar.  


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Keywords: -monolaurin, ,’-dilaurin, esterifikasi, identifikasi

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Last update: 2025-03-14 06:40:08

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