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@article{Reaktor9222, author = {Rismawati Rasyid and Ricco Aditya S. W and Devita Dian.L and Mahfud Mahfud and Achmad Roesyadi}, title = {EFEKTIFITAS KATALIS Co/Mo PADA HYDROCRACKING MINYAK NYAMPLUNG}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Hydrocracking, CoMo catalyst, Nyamplung Oil.}, abstract = { THE EFFECTIVTY OF Co/Mo CATALYSTS IN HYDROCRACKING OF NYAMPLUNG OIL . Hydrocracking process of Nyamplung Oil was presented using Co and Mo as metal catalysts. Ratio of CoMo metals in catalysts, can give better catalytic activity for Nyamplung Oil conversion. In this process, we used Co/Mo ratio (0 . 264/0 . 64), (0 . 62/1 . 61), and (1 . 23/3 . 22) towards SiO 2 dan γ-Al 2 O 3 . This catalyst has made by wet impregnation method with drying temperature at 383 K during 8 hours and was calcined at 773 K for 5 hours. This catalyst was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and showed Co 3 O 4 , MoO 3 and CoMoO 4 substances that was deposited at CoMo/ SiO 2 catalyst surface. Then, Co 3 O 4 , MoO 3 , MoO 2 and CoMoO 4 substances was also appeared at CoMo/ γ-Al 2 O 3 catalyst surface. That all phases which is deposited at both of this catalyst surface, is appropriate with International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD standards). Then, this catalyst was used for hydrocracking process of Nyamplung Oil that takes place at batch reactor. That process was carried out at 3 MPa and 623 K over 2 hours. C 5 -C 11 dan C 12 -C 18 products was produced from Nyamplung Oil conversion using this process. Both of this products is increased correspond to the addition of Co and Mo metals ratio. The highest yield that was achieved is C 5 -C 11 (24 . 30%) and C 12 -C 18 (61 . 28%) when using Co/Mo (1 . 23/3 . 22)/ γ-Al 2 O 3 catalyst. Meanwhile, Co/Mo (1 . 23/3 . 22)/ SiO 2 catalyst can produce C 5 -C 11 (19 . 52%) and C 12 -C 18 (53 . 55%). Keywords: CoMo catalyst ; h ydrocracking ; n yamplung o il Abstrak Rasio katalis CoMo sebagai katalis logam memiliki aktivitas yang baik dalam mengkonversi minyak nyamplung. Proses hydrocracking menggunakan rasio Co/Mo (0,24/0,64), (0,62/1,61), dan (1,23/3,22) terhadap SiO 2 dan γ-Al 2 O 3 . Katalis tersebut menggunakan metode impregnasi basah dengan suhu pengeringan 383 K selama 8 jam dan dikalsinasi selama 5 jam pada suhu 773 K. Karakterisasi katalis menggunakan XRD (X-ray diffraction) menunjukkan komponen Co 3 O 4 , MoO 3 dan CoMoO 4 terdeposisi pada permukaan katalis CoMo/ SiO 2 . Kemudian untuk katalis CoMo/ γ-Al 2 O 3 terdapat Co 3 O 4 , MoO 3 , MoO 2 dan CoMoO 4 dipermukaan katalis. Fase yang terdeposisi pada permukaan kedua katalis disesuaikan dengan standar ICCD (International Centre for Diffraction Data). Hasil uji aktivitas katalis tersebut menggunakan reaktor batch dengan tekanan 3 MP dan temperatur 623 K, proses reaksi dilakukan selama 120 menit. Konversi minyak nyamplung ada proses hydrocracking diperoleh produk C 5 -C 11 dan C 12 -C 18 . Persentase yield kedua jenis produk meningkat sesuai dengan penambahan rasio Co dan Mo. Produk dengan yield tertinggi pada katalis Co/Mo (1,23/3,22)/ SiO 2 dengan C 5 -C 11 (19,52%) dan C 12 -C 18 (53,55%). Sementara untuk katalis Co/Mo (1,23/3,22)/ γ-Al 2 O 3 diperoleh C 5 -C 11 (24,30%) dan C 12 -C 18 (61,28%). Kata kunci: katalis CoMo ; h ydrocracking ; m inyak nyamplung }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {268--273} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.15.4.268-273}, url = {} }
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Last update: 2025-03-06 04:50:02
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University