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EFEK PEMBERIAN PROBIOTIK TERHADAP IKAN KOI (Cyprinus carpio) YANG TERINFEKSI Myxobolus sp. (Effect of Probiotics Treatment on Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Infected With Myxobolus sp.)

Nico Rahman Caesar  -  Program Studi Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
*Uun Yanuhar scopus  -  Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Muhammad Musa scopus  -  Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

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Myxobolus merupakan ektoparasit yang berbahaya dan dapat mengakibatkan kematian hingga 80%. Dalam praktek akuakultur, probiotik telah digunakan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir probiotik menjadi bagian integral dari praktik budaya untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik terhadap hematologi dan respon imun ikan koi yang terserang Myxobolus sp. yakni eritrosit dan leukosit serta ekspresi Nuclear Factor-kappa Beta  (NF-kB). Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen. Dalam penelitian ini dibagi ke dalam 4 perlakuan yaitu, perlakuan (A) Kontrol, (B) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp., (C) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. dengan pemberian probiotik dosis 0,55 ml dan (D) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. dengan pemberian probiotik dosis 1,1 ml. Metode pemberian perlakuan dengan menambahkan probiotik pada 30 liter air pada bak pemeliharaan. Kemudian dilakukan pengamatan eritrosit dan leukosit. Serta dilakukan Imunohistokimia menggunakan antibodi NF-kB pada jaringan insang. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan eritrosit diperoleh nilai rata – rata pada perlakuan A sebesar 1.666.667 sel/mm3, perlakuan B sebesar 1.940.000 sel/mm3, perlakuan C sebesar 1.776.667 sel/mm3 dan perlakuan D sebesar 1.836.667 sel/mm3. Hasil pengamatan leukosit diperoleh nilai rata – rata pada perlakuan A sebesar 119.800 sel/mm3, perlakuan B sebesar 492.800 sel/mm3, perlakuan C sebesar 308.533 sel/mm3 dan perlakuan D sebesar 318.400 sel/mm3. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil Imunohistokimia  didapatkan hasil pada perlakuan A nilai DAB sebesar 15,1%, perlakuan B nilai DAB sebesar 31,7%, perlakuan C nilai DAB sebesar 53,5% dan pada perlakuan D nilai DAB sebesar 47,5 %. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian probiotik berpengaruh terhadap eritrosit dan leukosit serta dapat meningkatkan ekspresi NF-KB sebagai respon imun pada ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio) yang terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. Dosis optimal pemberian probiotik yaitu pada dosis 0,55 ml.


Myxobolus is a dangerous parasite that can kill up to 80% on koi carp pond.. Probiotic intake has been proven to change the composition of the microbiota, and therefore helps in the recovery of microbiota that are disrupted (by antibiotics or other risk factors) into favorable or normal compositions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of probiotic administration on hematology and the immune response of koi fish attacked by Myxobolus sp. namely erythrocytes and leukocytes and expression of Nuclear Factor-kappa Beta (NF-kB). The method used was an experimental by providing probiotics to fish that promoted Myxobolus sp. In this study it was divided into 4 treatments namely, (A) Control, (B) koi carp infected by Myxobolus sp., (C) koi carp infected by Myxobolus sp. with probiotic doses of 0.55 ml and (D) koi fish infected by Myxobolus sp. by administering a probiotic dose of 1.1 ml. The treatment methods were the fish immersed into 30 L of water that added by Probiotic. The hematological observation of koi fish,  erythrocytes and leukocytes, was observed and immunohistochemistry using NF-KB antibodies in the gill tissue which is the target of the entry of Myxobolus sp. on Koi fish. Based on the results of the treatment of erythrocytes obtained the value of A handling is 1,666,667 cells / mm3, handling B is 1,940,000 cells / mm3, handling C is 1,776,667 cells / mm3 and handling D is 1,836,667 cells / mm3. The results of leukocyte observations obtained an average value on treatment A of 119,800 cells / mm3, treatment B was 492,800 cells / mm3, treatment C was 308,533 cells / mm3 and treatment D was 318,400 cells / mm3. Furthermore, based on the results of Immunohistochemistry, the results of handling A DAB value of 15.1%, handling B DAB value of 31.7%, handling C DAB value of 53.5% and at the time of treatment D DAB value of 47.5%. From this study it can be concluded that the treatment of probiotics affects erythrocytes and leukocytes and can increase the expression of NF-KB as an immune response in koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) infected with Myxobolus sp. The optimal dose of probiotics is at a dose of 0.55 ml 

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Keywords: Probiotik; Cyprinus carpio; Myxobolus sp.; Eritrosit; Leukosit; Imunohistokimia; NF-KB

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