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Peranan Wan Akub di Muntok Bangka Abad ke-18

*Yuliarni Yuliarni  -  Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhamadiyah Palembang, Indonesia
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The development of Muntok could not be separated from the long historical story of  its original name. This research is presented the background of Wan Akub's arrival in Muntok and his role in the government and economy in the 18th century. This study uses historical methods emphasizes on the biographical approach. Wan Akub is the head of government in Muntok who was sent by the Palembang Sultanate as well as the head of tin mining. Some of his policies were to open an irrigation system or help the tin mining process in Muntok as economic resources for the locals. There were various policies that had been made a considerable influence in Muntok. He imported tin miners from Johor and built clay fortresses to reduce ethnic disputes in Muntok as well introduced tin tiban regulations. He also initiated the distribution of tin products as a form of remuneration. In addition, the migration of Wan Akub's relatives from Siantan left for Bangka acquired by new skills in cloth weaving technique called Cual. 

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Keywords: Wan Akub; Muntok; Malay Figure; Palembang Sultanate

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