Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{MKMI25519, author = {Yuni Afgrianti and Sulistiyani Sulistiyani and Nur Endah Wahyuningsih}, title = {Karakteristik Pekerja pada Penggilingan Padi di Kecamatan Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal}, journal = {MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Worker Characteristics; Lung Function Disorder; Rice Milling}, abstract = { Latar belakang : Kecamatan Rowosari merupakan salah satu sentra pertanian di Kabupaten Kendal dengan luas lahan pertanian sawah mencapai 20,30 km 2 (62,19%) dari luas lahan yang ada. Mayoritas penduduknya bekerja di sektor pertanian yaitu sebesar 57,33% rumah tangga, termasuk di industri penggilingan padi. Kegiatan penggilingan padi memiliki potensi bahaya paparan debu. Paparan debu tinggi dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan pernapasan. Karakteristik responden seperti umur, masa kerja, lama paparan, kebiasaan merokok dan kebiasaan olahraga dapat mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi paru. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dan bersifat analitik observasional yang dilakukan pada industri penggilingan padi di Kecamatan Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 95 pekerja penggilingan padi dan sampel sebanyak 57 pekerja laki-laki diambil dengan rumus slovin dan teknik simple random sampling . Analisis statistik deskriptif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Variabel penelitian ini yaitu umur, masa kerja, lama paparan, kebiasaan merokok dan kebiasaan olahraga. Hasil : Pekerja berumur ≥40 tahun sebanyak 36 responden (63,2%), masa kerja ≥5 tahun 37 responden (64,9), lama paparan >8 jam 17 responden (29,8%), 33 responden (57,9%) memiliki kebiasaan merokok dan 51 responden (89,5%) tidak rutin berolahraga. Responden yang memiliki gangguan fungsi paru sebanyak 49 responden (86%) dengan 38,6% restriktif, 24,6% obstruktif dan 22,8% mixed . Simpulan : karakteristik pekerja yang terpapar debu penggilingan padi di Kecamatan Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal dapat mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi paru. Kata kunci: Karakteristik pekerja, gangguan fungsi paru, penggilingan padi ASBTRACT Title : Characteristics of Workers in Rice Milling in Rowosari District, Kendal Regency Background : Rowosari District is one of the agricultural centers in Kendal Regency with an area of paddy farming land reaching 20.30 km2 (62.19%) of the existing land area. The majority of the population works in the agricultural sector, namely 57.33% of households, including in the rice milling industry. Rice milling activities have the potential danger of dust exposure. Exposure to high dust for long periods of time can cause respiratory distress. Respondent characteristics such as age, years of service, duration of exposure, smoking and exercise habits can affect lung function disorders. Method : This study used a cross sectional and observational analytic design conducted in the rice mill industry in Rowosari District, Kendal Regency. The study population was 95 rice mill workers and a sample of 57 male workers were taken with the Slovin formula and simple random sampling technique. Descriptive statistical analysis using frequency distribution. The variables of this study are age, years of service, duration of exposure, smoking and exercise habits . Results : Workers aged ≥40 years were 36 respondents (63.2%), years of service ≥5 years 37 respondents (64.9), duration of exposure> 8 hours 17 respondents (29.8%), 33 respondents (57.9 %) have smoking habit and 51 respondents (89.5%) do not exercise regularly. Respondents who had lung function disorders were 49 respondents (86%) with 38.6% restrictive, 24.6% obstructive and 22.8% mixed. Conclusion : characteristics of workers exposed to rice milling dust in Rowosari District Kendal Regency can affect lung function disorders. Keywords: Worker Characteristics, Lung Function Disorder, Rice Milling }, issn = {2775-5614}, pages = {338--344} doi = {10.14710/mkmi.19.5.338-344}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/mkmi/article/view/25519} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Kecamatan Rowosari merupakan salah satu sentra pertanian di Kabupaten Kendal dengan luas lahan pertanian sawah mencapai 20,30 km2 (62,19%) dari luas lahan yang ada. Mayoritas penduduknya bekerja di sektor pertanian yaitu sebesar 57,33% rumah tangga, termasuk di industri penggilingan padi. Kegiatan penggilingan padi memiliki potensi bahaya paparan debu. Paparan debu tinggi dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan pernapasan. Karakteristik responden seperti umur, masa kerja, lama paparan, kebiasaan merokok dan kebiasaan olahraga dapat mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi paru.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dan bersifat analitik observasional yang dilakukan pada industri penggilingan padi di Kecamatan Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 95 pekerja penggilingan padi dan sampel sebanyak 57 pekerja laki-laki diambil dengan rumus slovin dan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis statistik deskriptif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Variabel penelitian ini yaitu umur, masa kerja, lama paparan, kebiasaan merokok dan kebiasaan olahraga.
Hasil: Pekerja berumur ≥40 tahun sebanyak 36 responden (63,2%), masa kerja ≥5 tahun 37 responden (64,9), lama paparan >8 jam 17 responden (29,8%), 33 responden (57,9%) memiliki kebiasaan merokok dan 51 responden (89,5%) tidak rutin berolahraga. Responden yang memiliki gangguan fungsi paru sebanyak 49 responden (86%) dengan 38,6% restriktif, 24,6% obstruktif dan 22,8% mixed.
Simpulan: karakteristik pekerja yang terpapar debu penggilingan padi di Kecamatan Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal dapat mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi paru.
Kata kunci: Karakteristik pekerja, gangguan fungsi paru, penggilingan padi
Title : Characteristics of Workers in Rice Milling in Rowosari District, Kendal Regency
Background: Rowosari District is one of the agricultural centers in Kendal Regency with an area of paddy farming land reaching 20.30 km2 (62.19%) of the existing land area. The majority of the population works in the agricultural sector, namely 57.33% of households, including in the rice milling industry. Rice milling activities have the potential danger of dust exposure. Exposure to high dust for long periods of time can cause respiratory distress. Respondent characteristics such as age, years of service, duration of exposure, smoking and exercise habits can affect lung function disorders.
Method: This study used a cross sectional and observational analytic design conducted in the rice mill industry in Rowosari District, Kendal Regency. The study population was 95 rice mill workers and a sample of 57 male workers were taken with the Slovin formula and simple random sampling technique. Descriptive statistical analysis using frequency distribution. The variables of this study are age, years of service, duration of exposure, smoking and exercise habits.
Results: Workers aged ≥40 years were 36 respondents (63.2%), years of service ≥5 years 37 respondents (64.9), duration of exposure> 8 hours 17 respondents (29.8%), 33 respondents (57.9 %) have smoking habit and 51 respondents (89.5%) do not exercise regularly. Respondents who had lung function disorders were 49 respondents (86%) with 38.6% restrictive, 24.6% obstructive and 22.8% mixed.
Conclusion: characteristics of workers exposed to rice milling dust in Rowosari District Kendal Regency can affect lung function disorders.
Keywords: Worker Characteristics, Lung Function Disorder, Rice Milling
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Last update: 2025-03-13 15:34:12