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Determination of Reservoir Ecosystem Status in Cimahi City Govenrment Office

Eka Wardhani  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional, Indonesia
*Faza Kamilah Kusnadi  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional, Indonesia
Athaya Zahrani Irmansyah  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional, Indonesia
Dian Noor Handiani  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional, Indonesia

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Cimahi City continues to try to repair the damaged reservoir to function optimally as a raw water reservoir. This effort requires identifying the status of the reservoir ecosystem by assessing three standard criteria: aquatic, boundary, and terrestrial quality status. Two methods were carried out: field observation and laboratory research. The field observations are observations and interviews, determining the water sampling point and water sampling, and aerial photography for mapping surveys. The parameters of chlorophyll-A, algae, total nitrogen, and total phosphate were analyzed for the laboratory research. Based on research, the status of aquatic is in the threatened-destruction category because trophic level includes hyper-eutrophic, moderately polluted water quality, low biodiversity, and loss of food webs. The quality of the boundary ecosystem is in the damaged category because >25% of the area of the boundary is a settlement, and there is the disposal of domestic waste that enters the reservoir through canals. The quality of terrestrial ecosystems is in the threatened-damaged category because the land vegetation in the water catchment area is low, and there is an average annual siltation of ≥2% of the depth of the reservoir. It was concluded that management must be carried out in the water catchment area.

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Keywords: Ecosystem status; hypereutrophic; pollution index; trophic status

Article Metrics:

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