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Sharia Compliance in Micro Waqf Bank Business Activities: A Study of Protection of Consumer’s Spiritual Rights

*Winda Fitri  -  Faculty of Law, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
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The emergence of conventional financial institutions before sharia financial institutions affects the development of the two financial institutions to be different. Another factor is the public's cynicism or skepticism towards Islamic financial institutions which assume that the two financial institutions are the same. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of sharia compliance policies as an effort to improve the development of Islamic financial institutions and consumer protection in Indonesia. This research focused on the Micro Waqf Bank as a Micro Financial Institution that applies sharia principles using statutory and conceptual approaches. In Indonesia, the sharia compliance policy of the Micro Waqf Bank has been regulated in the laws and regulations related to Micro Financial Institutions. The implementation of sharia unity is an effort to reduce cynicism in Islamic financial institutions and to provide protection to consumers' special rights in the form of spiritual rights that every Muslim has to carry out his religion perfectly (kaffah). Sharia compliance policy is the result of the transformation of the DSN-MUI Fatwa into the form of legislation to make it more binding and applicable in the business activities of Micro Waqf Bank.

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Keywords: Sharia Compliance; Micro Waqf Bank; Spiritual Rights; Consumer protection

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