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Spatial Analysis of Noise Levels and Evaluation of Noise Zones Around Radin Inten II International Airport, Lampung Province

*Ahmad Daudsyah Imami  -  Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
Annisa Zahra  -  Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
Novi Kartika Sari  -  Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia
Wisnu Prayogo  -  Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

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Radin Inten II International Airport is the largest airport in Lampung Province which in 2019 underwent a status change to become an international airport. This article tries to present changes in the acoustic environment caused by flight activities around the airport. Noise measurements were carried out at 12 sampling points in the range of 300-4000 m and under the flight path, which then calculated the noise level (Leq) and the WECPNL index. Contour mapping of noise exposure uses an overlay technique visualized with contour lines. Leq measurement results are 60.4-81.4 dBA with an average value of 69.8 dBA. The distance of the sampling point to the runway is known to have a negative correlation with the noise level, while the noise measured on weekdays and weekends has no difference. The mapping results show that the most affected zones are dense settlements about 600 m from the runway. Three locations are known to fall into the noise level 3 zone, and two other sites fall into the noise level 1 and 2 zones. The non-noise zone is within a 2.5 km distance from the runway. The reduced comfort of living due to noise is a consequence of the economic improvement that may be felt by the people living around the airport.

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Keywords: Radin inten II international airport; noise zone; noise level; noise mapping WECPNL

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