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Determination of Fine Particulate Matter Episode Periods in Jakarta by Incorporating Meteorological Conditions

Zidan Fachreza Firdaus orcid  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
*Didin Agustin Permadi  -  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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The analysis of observed fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Jakarta, Indonesia, was conducted from January 2021 to October 2023 using hourly monitoring data from AirNow, managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Data were collected from two air quality monitoring stations in Central and South Jakarta. Meteorological data, including wind speed, temperature, humidity, and rainfall, were obtained from NASA's global forecasting database. The objective was to understand the correlation between PM2.5 formation and meteorological conditions to identify favorable meteorology during high air pollution episodes. During the dry season (May to August), there was a notable increase in PM2.5, linked to higher temperatures, lower humidity, slower wind speeds, and minimal rainfall. The results showed that meteorological conditions significantly affected PM2.5 concentrations, influenced by seasonal changes. In contrast, the rainy season had lower PM2.5 concentrations due to higher rainfall, humidity, and wind speed, and lower temperatures. Further modeling studies are required to assess the combined impacts of emission build-up and meteorology on recurring PM2.5 episodes in Jakarta.

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Keywords: PM2.5; meteorology; episode; air quality; Jakarta

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